Building the World

December 9, 2023
by Building The World

WATER: Sparkle Season Innovations

T’is the season. Menorah lights glow. Christmas decorations shine. Kwanzaa candles illumine. Festive cards with sparkles greet celebrants who themselves don bedecked apparel. But did you know that glitter and sparkle usually gleam with plastic coatings? Sparkle – greeting cards … Continue reading

October 10, 2023
by Building The World

WATER: Saltwater Intrusion – Rolling into the River

Tina Turner famously sang about Proud Mary Rollin’ on the River. But now the mighty Mississippi River is not rolling with cruise boats. A Viking line riverboat recently set sail but was stuck for an entire day on a sandbar. … Continue reading

August 22, 2023
by Building The World

ENERGY/WATER – Congratulations! Pause on Deep Seabed Mining

If you voted “yes” to pause decisions on deep seabed mining, your voice has been heard. The International Seabed Authority (ISA) agreed to extend discussions on guidelines for deep sea mining, and to develop clearer policy to protect the marine … Continue reading

July 13, 2023
by Building The World

WATER/ENERGY: Deep Seabed Mining – Part 2

In July 2023, the Legal and Technical Commission of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) will discuss a possible mining code framework. While autonomous bulldozers would not begin to scrape the deep until 2026, it is not too soon to take … Continue reading

May 2, 2023
by Building The World

CITIES: Cliffhangers

It’s obvious that sea level rise will threaten low-lying coastal areas. But more than 50% of all Earth’s coasts are cliff-lined. Are these higher elevations safe? Not really. Climate scientists and city planners worrying about sea level rise have mostly … Continue reading

April 14, 2023
by Building The World

WATER: Is the Drought OVER?

Atmospheric rivers: 11. Snow: 55 feet (16.76 meters). Rainfall: thus far in 2023, more than all of 2022. Conservation mandates and restrictions: eased. Outdoor watering: again permitted. Reservoirs: many refilled. Is California’s drought officially over? Conditions are better, but concerns … Continue reading

April 5, 2023
by Building The World

CITIES: Floating into the Future

Sea level rise is coming – how much depends upon the extent of melting glaciers and coastal inundations. Coasts often harbor cities: the earliest urban centers developed because of sea access. By 2050, 68% of the world will live in … Continue reading

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