Early Education Leaders, an Institute at UMass Boston

provides the leadership development opportunities and infrastructure that early educators need to support thriving children and families.

June 7, 2023
by earlyedinstitute

Building leaders within ECE 

With an ECE career that spans nearly 50 years, Clarence Little has a wealth of experience on which to draw as a StrongStart Professional Development Center (PDC) coach, Professional Learning Community (PLC) facilitator, and facilitator of Leading for Change, our professional development program that trains program administrators, educators, and family child care providers on how to lead for change and quality improvement in their practice, program, or in the field. 

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May 9, 2023
by earlyedinstitute

Institute of Early Education Leadership and Innovation Announces New Director of Programs

The Institute of Early Education Leadership and Innovation at UMass Boston announces today that Marcelo Juica, Ph.D. will join the Institute as its Director of Programs. Juica brings over 25 years of experience in higher education leadership and administration and training and programming around eliminating systemic inequities in education. 

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April 19, 2023
by earlyedinstitute

New research on ECE leadership 

Staff of the Institute for Early Education Leadership and Innovation shared results from two studies at last week’s annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Chicago. Director of Research Dr. Tim Zeng presented findings from “Effects of a Business Management Course on Child Care Program Leaders’ Outcomes: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” showing that early care and education child care owners who completed a business management course designed specifically for ECE business owners demonstrated higher skills in business management as well as significantly higher levels of confidence in their skills.

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April 11, 2023
by earlyedinstitute

Research Summary: Study finds that teachers’ higher educational attainment correlates with higher wages

In “Racial and Ethnic Wage Disparities Among Center-Based Early Educators,” UMass Boston researchers found that early educators’ educational attainment and current teaching positions explained wage differences among a statewide representative sample of early care and education (ECE) center educators in Massachusetts. The study also found that center educators who self-identified as Black earned higher hourly wages than their White, Hispanic/Latina/Latino, and other-race counterparts with similar characteristics. Hispanic/Latina/Latino educators earned wages comparable with their White counterparts. These findings add important new knowledge to the scholarship on wage disparities within ECE and suggest that further research is warranted to better understand the characteristics of ECE settings, work environment, and organizational and policy conditions that could eliminate racial and ethnic wage disparities. 

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April 2, 2023
by earlyedinstitute

Leading for Change Now Offered to Family Child Care Educators  in New York

The Institute for Early Education Leadership and Innovation announces that Leading for Change is now available to family child care providers in New York’s Onondaga County through a partnership with The Early Childhood Alliance. Leading for Change is the Institute’s leadership development program that trains program administrators, educators, and family child care providers on how to lead for change and quality improvement in their practice, program, or in the field. 

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March 6, 2023
by earlyedinstitute

Apply to become a facilitator for Instructional Leadership for Continuous Improvement in ECE 

Become certified to lead a new course developed by UMass Boston’s Institute for Early Education Leadership and Innovation and scaled through the StrongStart Professional Development Centers. The course, Instructional Leadership for Continuous Improvement in ECE, is part of the new Early Education Quality Improvement through Instructional Leadership (EQIIL) program funded by the Department of Early Education and Care. 

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February 16, 2023
by earlyedinstitute

Leading for Change: Tiffany Jones

Tiffany Jones, the owner of Precious Moments Family Childcare in Rockville, MD, has always seen herself as a leader. “Maybe it’s because I’ve always felt like the underdog, and underdogs are natural grassroots leaders who kind of know how to get things done,” Jones said. 

“As providers, we’re the boots on the ground actually doing the work and following all these rules and regulations and policies that other people make. And sometimes those policies don’t make sense.”

—Tiffany Jones

That’s certainly how Jones ended up owning her own business in early care and education. As a young wife and mother who was contemplating med school, Jones could not find an affordable childcare provider with whom she felt comfortable leaving her son, so she decided to be a stay-at-home mom. But Jones also knew she had to contribute financially to her family. 

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February 9, 2023
by earlyedinstitute

StrongStart Professional Development Centers Leadership Coaching Institute successfully launches

Congratulations to the participants of our inaugural StrongStart Coaching Institute!

Created and facilitated by the StrongStart Coaching Committee, this training was offered to all coaches, who work with early childhood leaders and educators through the StrongStart PDCs. The training was developed to support coaches in the implementation of the PDC coaching model within all early education programs in Massachusetts. The strengths-based institute was delivered in five sessions, with equity and continuous quality improvement at the center of all learning and training. 

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February 6, 2023
by earlyedinstitute

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services to Create National ECE Workforce Center

Institute for Early Education Leadership and Innovation One of Six Partners Leading $30M Project

The Institute for Early Education Leadership and Innovation at UMass Boston is one of six core partners in a collaborative that was awarded $30 million over five years by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Administration for Children and Families. The collaborative will launch and implement a new National Early Care and Education (ECE) Workforce Center that will coordinate and provide technical assistance and rigorous research to advance the recruitment and retainment of a diverse, qualified, and effective workforce.

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