Building the World

June 9, 2022
by Building The World

ENERGY: Taxing the air (from cows and sheep)

Carbon taxing is widely discussed, but New Zealand may be the first to tax a source of methane emissions usually excluded from discussions around bank and government conference rooms. The new source of carbon taxes? Cows and sheep. Since the … Continue reading

November 9, 2021
by Building The World

TRANSPORT: Rebuilding Back Better

Transportation infrastructure is one of the paths to a better future. From electric vehicle charging stations, to bridge repair or replacement, American roads will soon experience the biggest rebuilding project since the US Federal Highway System of 1956. Here’s a … Continue reading

October 25, 2021
by Building The World

WATER, ENERGY, CITIES: Earthshot Prize

October is a time of prizes. Earlier this month, Nobel Prize winners received momentous telephone calls. Now, inaugural winners of the Earthshot Prize received recognition for innovative solutions to the world’s climate crisis. Named after the “Moonshot” launched by President … Continue reading

October 5, 2021
by Building The World

ENERGY: Physics of Climate Change

Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann, and Giorgio Parisi “demonstrate that our knowledge about the climate rests on a solid scientific foundation,” stated the Nobel Prize Committee, when awarding the Nobel Prize for Physics 2021. Half of the prize went to Parisi … Continue reading

January 11, 2021
by Building The World

ENERGY: Renewing Hope in 2021

Winds of change are in the air. Literally. “Vestas V90-3MW Wind Turbine of Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Fram, Thames Estuary, UK” by Phil Hollman, 2006. Wikimedia Commons.Wind Power innovator BladeBUG may aid maintenance of marine turbines, now 40% of the … Continue reading

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