Building the World

April 28, 2020
by Building The World

ENERGY: Petersberg Climate Dialogue

High upon a virtual mountaintop, the Petersberg Climate Dialogue gathered 35 countries to steer the course for achieving Paris Agreement goals. Alok Sharma, UK Secretary of State for Business and Energy and President of COP26, and Svenja Schulze, Federal Environment … Continue reading

December 2, 2019
by Building The World

ENERGY: COP25 MADRID where promise meets contract

As the 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP25, gathers in Madrid, Spain, there’s some bad news. Greenhouse gas emission concentrations hit a peak in 2018. While 70 countries plan to be carbon neutral by 2050, the world will … Continue reading

October 25, 2019
by Building The World

TRANSPORT: frequent flier programs

First, it was Greta Thunberg who traveled throughout Europe to speak to, among others, the French National Assembly; the teen climate activist, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, declared the transport decision as a preference for lower-emissions travel. A new … Continue reading

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