Early Education Leaders, an Institute at UMass Boston

provides the leadership development opportunities and infrastructure that early educators need to support thriving children and families.

What ECE leadership looks like

Becky DelVecchio, Ph.D, project coordinator of EEL’s Statewide Professional Development Academy, recently co-authored an article with early educator Sara Becker for Exchange Press’s Exchange magazine, a quarterly publication that focuses on early childhood leadership and advocacy.

“Building a Nature Program, from the Inside Out Part 1: How Sara Becker Started the Wildwood Learning Center,” documents the founding of a nature- and play-based ECE program in Hopkinton, MA, by Sara Becker, who saw how her son took to nature-based learning:

“Quickly, Sara realized the nature program was not a break from learning, it was likely the best educational path for Xavier. It was such a profound experience that Sara began reading everything she could find about nature programs,” write DelVechhio and Becker. “When Xavier aged out of the nature-based program at six years old, Sara created a new program that would serve preschoolers and school-age children.”

DelVechhio co-authored the piece as part of her effort to use her voice as a scholar to amplify the work of a program and a team of educators that might otherwise go unrecognized. “There is so much good work happening in our field, and I feel like we have the responsibility to make it visible whenever and wherever we can,” she said.

Read the full article here.

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