Building the World

June 22, 2019
by Building The World

ENERGY: Net Zero = 10 Million Jobs

Nations, and industries, are steadily reducing carbon emissions;  the June 2019 European Union (EU) meeting  signaled progress. Finland and Norway have resolved to achieve energy net-zero (state where input and output result in a zero balance) by 2035; others pledged 2050. … Continue reading

December 24, 2018
by Building The World

Golden Anniversary, Golden Opportunity

Fifty years ago, someone grabbed a camera and changed history. NASA Apollo 8’s crew was to orbit precisely 10 times while photographing the surface of the moon, as a field study for the Lunar Landing mission.  It was 1968: before … Continue reading

November 3, 2018
by Building The World

Migration and Innovation

Human history is one of migration. We all came from Africa. Cyrene, ancient city-state where art and science flourished (the first map of the stars, the mathematics of doubling a cube), was founded by climate migrants escaping drought on Santorini. … Continue reading

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