ENERGY: If Walls Could Talk

Technology may give us walls that talk, and charge our phones at the same time. Image: “Talking Walls of Shtula Village” by Zeller Zalmanson, Pikiwiki Israel project. Creative Commons 2.5. Included with appreciation.

Nikola Telsa was there first; Peter Glaser, next. Telsa was sending wireless power from Niagara Falls; Glaser, from space to earth. Now, technology might free your mobile phone from battery recharging when you are in a wi-fi zone. And the walls of your office or school could tell a tale or two.

London Bridge Tube Station in England has wifi; so does British Rail. Image: Boston’s Zakim Bridge. Photography by Eric Vance, US EPA. Public Domain. Included with appreciation.

It’s more than just a personal device. The rectenna converts AC electromagnetic waves into DC electricity. New MIT-designed rectennae could stretch across highways or bridges, making it possible to report all manner of developments while recharging an array of options. The technology, developed by Professor Tomás Palacios of MIT/MTL Center for Graphene Devices and 2D Systems in the Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MIT-CG), might extend the internet of things. Partners in the project include Technical University of Madrid, Boston University, and other institutions and research labs.

Intestinal walls can talk too, via capsule endoscopy. Image: Dr. H.H. Krause, 2013. Creative Commons 3.0. Included with appreciation.

Another application? A medical device you may happen to wear like an insulin pump, watchman, or pacemaker, or even a diagnostic “pill or capsule” that patients swallow to circulate internally and report data. Such pills cannot be powered by batteries lest lithium might leak toxins. Developments at MIT’s Medical Electronic Device Realization Center (MEDRC) may advance the information-driven healthcare sector.

Miniaturization of communications technology may have begun with the NASA Apollo lunar missions. Image: “Surveyor 3 – Apollo 12,” NASA. Public Domain. Included with appreciation.

Where did the miniaturization trend begin? Many trace miniaturization communications technology to the early days of the US Apollo space mission; the capability proved to have uses on earth, too.

Charge your phone from ambient wifi? “A cell phone” by Pixabay, 2015. Creative Commons0 1.0. Included with appreciation.

At the beach?  Visit the coffee kiosk where wifi might charge your phone. Even whole cities are going live: Philadelphia declared it would be the first municipal wifi network in 2004: the vision is still to be completed. Offices have wifi; so do airports, hospital lobbies, schools. It’s a two-way proposition: charging and also data-collecting. Now, wi-fi harvesting devices could give new meaning to the phrase: “If walls could talk.”

Glaser, Peter. “Method and Apparatus for Converting Solar Radiation to Electrical Power.” US Patent 3,781,647. 1973.

Matheson, Rob. “Converting Wi-Fi-signals o electricity with new 2-D materials.” 28 January 2019. MIT News Office.

Zhang, Xu, et al., “Two-dimensional MoS2 enabled flexible rectenna for Wi-Fi-band wireless energy harvesting.” 28 January 2019. Nature 566, pages 368-372.



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