Author Archives: Lisa Link

Posters on the Trains!

Thank you everyone for all your work to make this public art project possible. Congratulations Urban Scholar Artists and best wishes for the future!

Scroll down to see a tweet by BPS Arts Expansion Program who spotted Ann Boucicaut’s poster on the Red Line!

Celebration at the Harbor Gallery

August 13, 2016 Urban Scholars celebrated the In Transit: Voices & Vision project.


Public Celebration: August 13th

Students posing with cellphones in front of the MBTA train forest hills station. Save the Date August 13th announcement.

Opening Celebration

August 13, 2016
1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Harbor Gallery

McCormack Hall, Plaza Level
UMass Boston, 100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125

* Light Refreshments &  Music by Jazz Tea with Olive Marie *

Questions? contact

If you see one of the posters on the MBTA, please share with the hashtag #InTransitBoston


Last Design Day

Last Design Day in the lab with Ann, Mayra, Phillip, Quanye, and Tessa.

Thank you Tessa for taking some documentary photos of our final work session in the lab.

Urban Scholars work in Mac lab Ann working in the labIMG_0590 IMG_0592 Lisa, Quaney and Phillip in the lab

Lisa, Suamy, & Brad review flyers for the August 13 celebration.

Lisa, Suamy, & Brad review flyers for the August 13 celebration. Photo by Stephanie Hicks-Williams


Design Days

During May students worked on combining images with their quotes in the computer. They created the image composites in Adobe Photoshop.

A big THANK YOU to the Creative Services team at UMass Boston who reviewed our rough drafts and gave us some ideas on how to improve them.

Another thank you to In Transit student artist Quanye who has been especially helpful to classmates sharing his Photoshop skills.

4 students working at Mac computers







Example of Design process

The pictures in this post demonstrate recent design activities. Students worked in the computer lab with Adobe Photoshop to  combine two images together to create the final poster. They chose images to go with their quotes. After everyone combined two images to go with their quote, we asked them to experiment and try a second version.

Some of the Photoshop techniques demonstrated:

  • Layers – combining them.
  • Layers – adjusting scale.
  • Layers – making them transparent “Opacity.”
  • Layer mask – how to create a blend.


Quanye's original photo of Suamy.

Quanye’s original photo of Suamy. Quanye crouched low on the ground to create the illusion of Suamy flying through the air when she jumped.

view of harbor facing sewage treatment plant

Student photo of the water from March 17 from the group photo walk

Quanye's rough draft design of suamy jumping

Quanye uses photoshop layer mask to combine the two photos. Adjust color/contrast and retouches the jumping figure.

Quanye's rough draft of Suamy jumping

Quanye adjusts color to create a higher impact design

Quanye-words copy

Quanye includes the quote from his interviewee. We will be editing the font styles and type arrangement and adding a credit bar on the bottom this week.

Final Quote Choices

Students chose their final quotes.  They worked as a team and we gave them the option of choosing a quote from the combined list of interview favorite phrases from all the interviews:

”I left behind a level of despair, that living wasn’t worth it … I took hopefulness about life.”
Frances, Interviewed by Tessa
student artist: Tessa

“A journey happens while you’re busy embracing your limits”
Paula, Interviewed by Quanye
student artist: Quanye

“There’s no cost in life, it’s all about adapting yourself.”
Alan, OLLI, Interviewed by Tessa
student artist: Tarjanae

“When you experience change, you either embrace it or run from it.”
Boston Resident, 20 years, Interviewed by Phillip
student artist: Daphtaney

“I could take all my memories.”
Joanne, OLLI, Interviewed by Filomena , Jailson, Mayra
student artists: Filomena & Jocelina

“Experience makes a journey easier, but a journey makes experiences.”
Charlie, UMass Boston Student,  interviewed by Filomena
student artists: Filomena & Jocelina

“Everyone fights their demons but you can’t lose unless you let yourself lose.”
Lydia, Mechanical Engineer, Interviewed by Angela
student artist: Angela

“I took my culture, I took the sense of being myself.”
Andrea, Education Warrior, Interviewed by Adilse & Mayra
Student artists:  Adilse & Anilson

“I had to leave behind a piece of my past in order for my future.”
Boston Resident 25 years, interviewed by Phillip
student artist: Phillip

“I was fortunate to travel all over the world, and my travels to various world cultures and environments impacted my life immensely – specifically, I appreciate clean water and environment even more 🙂 making my quest to protect nature and learn from it even more important goal.” 
Anamarija Frankic, Director, Green Boston Harbor Project, interviewed by Gilson &  Michael
student artist: Gilson

“Don’t run away from your problems, just deal with it.”
Anny’s dad, interviewed by Anny
Student artists: Michael & Mathias

“Follow your heart. You don’t know where it will lead you but trust that it will take you to the right place.”
Ann, OLLI, interviewed by Jailson, Mayra, & Filomena
Student artists: Francisco & Jailson

“I believe that my personal journey impacts the world by helping them see that we are all in this together, that if I can make it this far, so can everyone.”
Sandy, interviewed by Ann
Student artist: Ann

“The journey was a challenge., but he was able to meet his challenges.”
Ann, OLLI interviewed by Jailson, Mayra, & Filomena
Student artist: Mayra


More Photos! More Gesso! March 24

Exciting to see the studio work moving forward.  Today students worked on applying Gesso to paper, preparing it for painting.  Students also took more photos and explored the amazing new space of University Hall – what a great photo backdrop!

Students Gesso paper

photo by Brad


Jailson walks down hall

photo by Francisco

filomena runs

photo by Jocelina

students walk upstairs in campus center

photo by Jocelina

Jailson at top of stairs

photo by francisco

Jailson at top of stairs

photo by Francisco

Portrait of Jailson

photo by Francisco

jailson at top of stairs

photo by Francisco

Filomena gets on Bus

photo by Mayra

feet walking on pavement in sneakers

photo by Mayra

3 girls walk up stairs facing camera

photo by Mayra

University Hall Ceiling

Photo by Mayra

feet on stairs

Photo by Jocelina

jocelina photoraphs filomena's feet

Photo by Mayra

feet running down hall

francisco walks in catwalk at UMass

photo by Jailson

Students Gesso

photo by Brad

Students gesso paper

Photo by Brad