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Congratulations Urban Scholars students on all your accomplishments.  You incorporated community journalism, drawing, pastels, painting, photography and graphic design.

If you see one on the MBTA, please share with the hashtag #InTransitBoston

"” I left behind a level of despair, that living wasn’t worth it ... I took hopefulness about life."

Design Leads: Tessa Napoleon and Quanye Hoskins

“There’s no cost in life, it’s all about adapting yourself.

Design Lead: Tarjanae Ancrum

Don’t run away from your problems just deal with it

Design Leads: Mathias Riddock and Michael Thatcher

The journey was challenging, but he was able to meet his challenges.

Design Lead: Mayra Spencer

I was fortunate to travel all over the world, and my travels to various world cultures and environments impacted my life immensely – specifically, I appreciate clean water and environment even more:) making my quest to protect nature and learn from it even more important goal.

Design Lead: Gilson Dosouto

I could take all my memories.

Design Leads: Filomena Dasilva and Jocelina Depina

Experience makes a journey easier, but a journey makes experiences.

Design Leads: Filomena Dasilva and Jocelina Depina

When you experience change, you either embrace it or run from it

Design Lead: Daphtaney Morisset

student looking through lanscape viewing binoculars at a figure marching up a hill

Design Leads: Adilse Baessa and Anilson Batista

“A journey happens while you’re busy embracing your limits”

Design Lead: Quanye Hoskins

“Follow your heart. You don’t know where it will lead you but trust that it will take you to the right place.”

Design Leads: Francisco Fernandes and Jailson Barros

I had to leave behind a piece of my past in order to secure my future."

Design Lead: Phillip Tran

Everyone fights their demons but you can't lose unless you let yourself lose.

Design Lead: Angela Polynice. Photography assistant: Aleeka Morris

I believe my journey

Design Lead: Ann Boucicaut