B. McCormack, M.. Borrelli. 2023. Shallow Water Object Detection, Classification, and Localization via Phase-measured, Bathymetry-mode Backscatter. Remote Sensing. 15 (6): 1685. 10.3390/rs15061685
M. Borrelli, B. Legare, B. McCormack, P.P.G.M. dos Santos, D. Solazzo. 2023. Absolute Localization of Targets Using a Phase-measuring Sidescan Sonar in Very Shallow Waters. Remote Sensing. 15 (6): 1626. 10.3390/rs15061626
Borrelli, M., T.L. Smith, S.T. Mague (2022) Vessel-based, Shallow Water Mapping with a Phase-measuring Sidescan Sonar. Esturaries and Coasts. 45: 961-979. 10.1007/s12237-021-00979-2
Lafrance Bartley, M. and M. Borrelli (2022) Introduction to Special Issue "Shallow Water Mapping in Coastal Environments: Recent Research, Current Technologies, and Multi-modal Approaches". Estuaries and Coasts. 45: 921-922. 10.1007/s12237-022-01053-1
Goldstein E.B., D. Buscombe, E.D. Lazarus, S.D. Mohanty, S.N. Rafique, K.A. Anarde, A.D. Ashton, T. Beuzen, K.A. Castagno, N. Cohn, M.P. Conlin, A. Ellenson, M. Gillen, P.A. Hovenga, J.-S.R. Over, R.V. Palermo, K.M. Ratliff, I.R.B. Reeves, L.H. Sanborn, J.A. Straub, L.A. Taylor, E.J. Wallace, J. Warrick, P. Wernette and H.E. Williams. 2021. Labeling Poststorm Coastal Imagery for Machine Learning: Measurement of Interrater Agreement. Earth and Space Science. e2021EA001896. 10.1029/2021EA001896
Giese, G. S., Borrelli, M. and Mague, S. T. (2020) Tidal Inlet Evolution and Impacts of Anthropogenic Alteration: An Example from Nauset Beach and Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Northeast Natruralist. 10.1656/045.027.s1001
Mittermayr, A., Legare, B. J., Kennedy, C. G., Fox, S. E. and Borrelli, M. (2020) Using CMECS to Create Benthic Habitat Maps for Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Northeastern Naturalist. 10.1656/045.027.s1002
Borrelli, M. Oakley, B. A., Hubeny, J. B., Love, H., Smith, T. L., Legare, B. J. & Lucas, T. (2020) The Use of Multimodal Data to Augment Shallow-Water Benthic Habitat Maps for Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Stratigraphic Data and Seafloor Maps. Northeastern Naturalist. 27. 48-75. 10.1656/045.027.s1003
Nichols, O. C., Legare, B. J., Famulare, T., Sgarlat, E. and Lucas, T. (2020) Seasonal Occurrence and Relative Abundance of Fishes and Macroinvertebrates in Pleasant Bay (Massachusetts). Northeastern Naturalist. 10.1656/045.027.s1004
Legare, B. J., Nichols, O. C., Mittermayr, A. and Borrelli, M. (2020) Relationships between Species Communities as Determined by Analysis of Data from Multiple Surveys of Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, MA. Northeastern Naturalist. 10.1656/045.027.s1005
Borrelli, M. and Boothroyd, J. C. (2020) Calculating Rates of Shoreline Change in a Coastal Embayment with Fringing Salt Marsh Using the “Marshline”, a Proxy-based Shoreline Indicator. Northeastern Naturalist. 10.1656/045.027.s1006
Mittermayr, A. & Legare, B. J. and Borrelli, M. (2020) Applications of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) in a Partially Restored New England Salt Marsh Lagoon. Estuaries and Coasts. 10.1007/s12237-020-00707-2
Borrelli, M., Giese, G. S., Keon, T. L., Legare B. J., Smith, T. L., Adams, M., Mague, S. T. (2019). Monitoring tidal inlet dominance shifts in a cyclically migrating barrier beach system. In: Wang, P., Rosati, J. D., Vallee, M. (Eds.) Coastal Sediments 2019 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, v. 2, 1936-1944. World Scientific. 10.1142/9789811204487_0167
Chapman, D.C., Giese, G. S. (2019). Seiches. In: Cochran, J. K., Bokuniewicz, J.H., Yager, L. P. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 3rd Edition. Vol 3: 656-662. Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-813081-0.
Solazzo, D., Sankey, J., Sankey, T. and Munson, S. (2018) Mapping and measuring aeolian sand dunes with photogrammetry and LiDAR from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and multispectral satellite imagery on the Paria Plateau, AZ, USA. Geomorphology. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.07.023
Borrelli, M.,& Legare, B. J. and Smith, T. L. (2018) Mapping seafloor shallows vessel-based, nearshore surveys using phase-measuring side scan. Sea Technology.
Legare, B. J., Skomal, G. and DeAngelis, B. (2018). Diel movements of the blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) in a Caribbean nursery. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 10.1007/s10641-018-0755-x
Legare, Bryan. (2017). Mapping and classifying eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) habitat in Copano Bay, Texas, by coupling acoustic technologies. Journal of Coastal Research. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00205.1
Javidpour, J., Cipriano-Maack, A. N., Mittermayr, A. and Dierking, J. (2016) Temporal dietary shift in jellyfish revealed by stable isotope analysis. Marine Biology. 10.1007/s00227-016-2892-0
Technical Reports
Giese, G. S. and Legare, B. J. (2019) Report on Collection and Analysis of Tidal Data from Boston Harbor, Meetinghouse Pond, Chatham Fish Pier, Outermost Harbor, and Stage Harbor: July 2018 – July 2019. 10.13140/RG.2.2.19847.55205.
Borrelli, M. & Fox, S. E., Shumchenia, E., Kennedy, C. G., Oakley, B. A., Hubeny, B. J., Love, H., Smith, T. L., Legare, B. J., Mittermayr, A. and Giese, G. S. (2019) Submerged marine habitat mapping at Cape Cod National Seashore: A post-hurricane Sandy study. ResearchGate.
Legare, B. J., Mittermayr, A., Smith, T.L. and Borrelli, M. (2019) Benthic Habitats in Shimmo Creek, Nantucket, MA. 10.13140/RG.2.2.15121.99684
Giese, G. S. and Legare, B. J. (2019) Report on Collection and Analysis of Tidal Data from Boston Harbor, Meetinghouse Pond, Chatham Fish Pier and Outermost Harbor. ResearchGate.
Mittermayr, A., Legare, B. J., Smith, T. L. and Borrelli, M. (2019) Benthic Habitat Mapping in East Harbor, Truro, MA. ResearchGate.
Borrelli, M., Mague, S. T. and Legare, B. J. (2018) Mapping storm tide pathways in the Little Beach Area of Chatham, Massachusetts. 10.13140/RG.2.2.30526.33608.
Legare, B. J., Giese, G. S. and Borrelli, M. (2018) Analysis of short term and long term tidal water levels within the Cape Cod National Seashore A Vulnerability Study. ResearchGate.
Legare, B. J. and Giese, G. S. (2017) Progress Report on Collection and Analysis of Tidal Data from Boston Harbor, Meetinghouse Pond, Chatham Fish Pier, and Outermost Harbor: June 2016 – June 2017. ResearchGate.
Borrelli, M., Oakley, B. A., Smith, T. L., Mabee, S., Legare, B. J., McFarland, S., Woodruff, J. and Giese, G. S. (2017) Onshore-Offshore Surficial Geologic Map of the Wellfleet Quadrangle and Portions of Eastern Cape Cod Bay, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. ResearchGate.
Borrelli, M., Giese, G. S. and Legare, B. J. (2017) Assessment of Impacts on Nauset Barrier Beach and Pleasant Bay This report was prepared for the Pleasant Bay Alliance by the Center for Coastal Studies of Provincetown Preamble from Pleasant Bay Alliance. ResearchGate.
Borrelli, M., Giese, G. S., Mague, S. T., Smith, T. L., Legare, B. J. and Barger, P. (2016) Assessment of the Century Scale Sediment Budget for the Sandwich and Barnstable Coasts of Cape Cod Bay: Cape Cod Canal to Barnstable Harbor A Report Submitted to the Towns of Barnstable and Sandwich. 10.13140/RG.2.2.28400.00002.
Borrelli, M., Mague, S. T., Smith, T. L. and Legare, B. J. (2016) Empowering Coastal Communities to Prepare for and Respond to Sea Level Rise and Storm-related Inundation: A Pilot Project for Nantucket Island Massachusetts. 10.13140/RG.2.2.35110.88640.
Borrelli, M., Mague, S. T., Smith, T. L. and Legare, B. J. (2016) A New Method for Mapping Inundation Pathways to Increase Coastal Resiliency, Provincetown Massachusetts. 10.13140/RG.2.2.35863.47523.
Borrelli, M., Legare, B. J. and Smith, T. L. (2016) Vessel-Based Acoustic Seafloor Mapping in Extreme Shallow Waters: The Herring River Estuary Wellfleet, Massachusetts, a Proof of Concept Study. 10.13140/RG.2.2.13404.95361.