MAP Workshops Week of 9/10/18


Happy Friday all,


Please find next week’s MAP workshops below:


Resume Workshop: 9/10/18, 12:30pm-1:30pm 

Amazon- Alexa AI Tech Talk: Internationalize Alexa!: 9/11/18, 12pm-2pm 

Fundamental Laws of Investing: Retirement Planning (IRA, Roth, 401K, 403B): 9/11/18, 2pm-4pm

Self-Advocacy and How to Say No: 9/12/18, 11am-12pm 

Introduction to MAP: 9/12/18, 12:30pm-1:30pm 

Goal Setting by Beta Gamma Sigma: 9/12/18, 2pm-3pm 

On-Campus Interview Preparation: 9/12/18, 2pm-3:30pm 

Amazon- Alexa AI Tech Talk: Internationalize Alexa!: 9/12/18, 3pm-5pm 

Introduction to MAP: 9/13/18, 11am-12pm 

Fundamental Laws of Investing: Bond (Fixed Income) Basics: 9/13/18, 2pm-4pm 

Strategies for International Student Success: 9/14/18, 10am-10:50am 


Please direct any questions to


Have a wonderful weekend everybody!

-The Undergraduate Program Office