Viewing your CMWA Results
All students who take the CMWA will be able to see the CMWA placement results in Blackboard once the exam has been graded by going to “My Grades” on the College of Management Writing Assessment Blackboard page. Once your score is graded and available under “My Grades” in Blackboard, the Undergraduate Program Office will upload your CMWA placement score into WISER within 2-3 business days (M-F).
College of Management Students
Once you have successfully earned placement into BC 230 or BC 290 by completing the CMWA, you will be able to register for that respective course in WISER based on your Registration Appointment time. You will only be able to register yourself in WISER if it is during your Registration Appointment time and you have cleared any registration holds from your account. If you try to register for the appropriate BC course based on your CMWA results in WISER and receive a prerequisite error at this time, this means your score has not yet been uploaded to WISER. As stated above, it can take 2-3 business days (M-F) for your CMWA placement results to be uploaded into WISER. To take BC 290, students must earn a B- or better in BC 230. Students must earn a B- or better in BC 290 to move on to MGT/MKT courses in the major.
Non-CM Students Currently Enrolled at UMass Boston
Once you have successfully earned placement into BC 230 or BC290 by completing the CMWA, you will need to submit a request to enroll in that course. As a non-College of Management student, you will need to follow the correct deadlines and registration request procedures outlined here.
Non-Degree Seeking Students
Once you have successfully earned placement into BC 230 or BC290 by completing the CMWA, you will need to submit a request to enroll in that course. As a Non-Degree Seeking student, you will need to follow the correct deadlines and registration request procedures outlined here.