MAP Events for the Week of 10/26

These are the MAP Events for the week of October, 26th 2014.


Fundamental Laws of Investing. Starts at 12:00 PM in W-1-0064. MAP Miles earned: 50.

State Street Opportunities Information Session.  Starts at 2:00 PM in Ryan Lounge: m-3-721.  MAP Miles earned: 50.

Concord Wealth Management Presents: Financial Literacy.  Starts at 6:00 PM M-1-409.  MAP Miles earned: 50.


Advanced Linked-in Workshop.  Starts at 9:30 AM in Purple Lab: H-UL-004.  MAP Miles earned: 50.

On Campus Interview Prep.  Starts at 2:00 PM in CC-2-2545.  MAP Miles earned: 50.

The College of Management welcomes Harvard Pilgrim Vice President Vin Capozzi to discuss current topics in healthcare administration and the impacts of new laws on their business.  MAP Miles: 75.

The Smart Grid and Clean Energy: Challenges and Opportunities for Utilities, Clean Tech, and Carbon Emissions. Starts at 5:30 PM in Ryan Lounge: M-3-721.  Response required for this event.  The event capacity is 100.  MAP Miles earned: 75.


Fundamental Laws of Investing.  Starts at 12:00 PM in W-1-0064.  MAP Miles earned: 50.

City Year Employer Information Session.  Starts at 2:00 PM in CC-1-1110. MAP Miles earned: 50.


Becker CPA– Exam Information Session.  Starts at 3:00 PM in M-02-0116.  MAP Miles earned: 50.