Just a few reminders as today, NOVEMBER 7th is the last day to change a course to pass/fail. You can find the University Pass/Fail policy on the Registrar’s Web page, but also here on the CM Undergraduate Program page. While University Policy will allow you to take up to one course pass/fail each semester, as a CM student you cannot take just any class pass/fail.
Courses a CM student CAN take Pass/Fail:
Areas of Knowledge Courses, specifically:
- Arts and Humanities
- Natural Science
- Social Behavioral Science
- World Language or World Culture
- Non- Business Elective
- Diversity
- 200 level non-business
- International Management Requirement – as long as it is not a MGT course used in your concentration
Courses CM students CANNOT take Pass/Fail:
Courses that are Major Requirements, specifcally
- Non-Business Verbal Reasoning and Expression (ENGL 101 & ENGL 102)
- Non-Business Foundation Requirement (ECON 101, ECON 102 & MATH 134)
- Writing Proficiency Requirement (BC230 & BC 290)
- Business Foundation (MSIS 110, MSIS 111L, MSIS 212)
- Management Core Requirement (AF 210, AF 211, AF 301, MGT 303, MGT 330, MGT 331, MGT 490, MKT 301, & MSIS 301)
- Information Technology Core Requirement (IT 110, IT 114l, IT115L, IT 230L, IT 240, IT 244, IT 246, IT 285L, IT 425L, IT 485)
- All Concentration Courses
- All Track Courses
- All Professional Elective Courses (in IT Major)
All major requirements MUST be taken for a letter grade to count for satisfaction of the requirement for graduation.