1.4 Pedagogical Innovations with VoiceThread

Room: Healey Library, LL, ITC

VoiceThread: Co-Learning in the Cloud!
VoiceThread, a dynamic, and interactive tool accessed from within Blackboard provides faculty with multimedia solutions to common pedagogical problems including, but not limited to: how do I create audio/visual interaction in an online course, how do I guide my students to create dynamic group projects, and how to elicit student reactions to a slide I display.

Presenters: Ellen Foust (Instructional Designer on the e-Learning and Instructional Support Team), Jaclyn DeChiro and Luis Poza-Garcia (IT Ed Tech & Learning)

Amplify Co-Learning and Student Engagement in Asynchronous Online Classes Using VoiceThread
The presenter provides three applications of VoiceThread to create engaging co-learning in courses including a) Autobiographical Introductions; b) Work-in-Progress Updates with student feedback; and c) Dialogue as a supplement to a MOOC. Participants will have ample time for Q&A as well as discussion on the challenges of asynchronous learning environments, human presence and student engagement in a learning community.

Presenter: Felicia Sullivan (Tisch College, Tufts University)
