Another Attack: House Bill H.R. 4437
Border Protection, Antiterrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005
Anti-immigrant Rhetoric Turned into Legislation
“If HR 4437 had past [sic] the Senate 12 million undocumented immigrants would have been declared felons. The protests of 2006 marchers turned out across the nation to rally against the bill. The protesters were heard and the bill failed to pass the Senate.”
Education & Immigration
The Center for Immigration Studies presents “Immigrants in the United States, 2005: A Snapshot of America’s Foreign-Born Population” by Steven Camarota (2005)
- The low educational attainment of many immigrants and resulting low wages are the primary reasons so many live in poverty, use welfare programs, or lack health insurance, not their legal status or an unwillingness to work.
- A central question for immigration policy is: Should we allow in so many people with little education, which increases job competition for the poorest American workers and the size of the population needing government assistance?
- Immigration accounts for virtually all of the national increase in public school enrollment over the last two decades. In 2005, there were 10.3 million school‑age children from immigrant families in the United States.