Unz: A Sales-pitch not Grounded in Research
“Unz’s initiatives impose sheltered English in a nonbilingual program for all children learning English, including those starting out with no knowledge of the language. Schools are also encouraged to mix students by age and grade, sabotaging any effective immersion approach and leading instead to submersion, also known as sink-or-swim, in which instruction is not tailored to children’s linguistic or academic needs.”
Threatening Teachers: Unz is a provision of “dubious constitutionality… which seeks to demonize and intimidate educators.”
Big Lie #1: Unz relies on “anecdotal evidence.”
Big Lie #2: Unz uses “myths and misinformation.”
Big Lie #3: Unz policy based on politics, not pedagogy.
Big Lie #4: Unz is not based on scientific research, violates civil rights.