Masika wanted to finish strong!

“Masika” is the Kiswahili word for the long rainy season that runs approximately from late March until mid-May or the end of May. Last weekend it didn’t rain Friday through Sunday and we thought it might be the end of the rainy season. But, then it rained on Monday and several other days this week. Saturday (yesterday) was sunny and dry, but overnight we had intense rain. It has rained all day today. Masika seems to want us to know it is not over yet.

After my workout (indoors), I went out on the balcony to look at the river running through the streets by our apartment. The water is currently at least ankle deep. My brave husband has ventured out to go lead his book club this afternoon. Teaching and learning is always happening.

Watch the rice bag float down the road.


Keep watching for the red bag.


Here is a final video taken from the staff bus on the way home from the university last week. The sound is just people on the bus talking.