Make sure all phones, laptops, and electronic devices are off and out of reach. You may keep your backpack at your desk.
Please bring your numbered handwritten notes to the instructor fanned out for easy counting. Store electronic devices including smart watches.

Once the notes are signed, take them and your exam to a seat. Please read the instructions at the top of the exam. The “section” portion should be filled out with your class meeting time (e.g., “4:00pm”).
When you are finished, KEEP YOUR NOTES, and turn in the exam. See you Thursday with your Day 15 homework!
Students who arrive on time to the midterm may use the entire class period to complete it. Students who arrive more than 20 minutes late to the exam may only take it at the professor’s discretion. Late arrivers will only have as much time for the exam as the on-time students take – when the last on-time student leaves, the exam period ends and all students must turn in their tests.