Almost done! It’s been a pleasure having you class this semester. Please do the following in order to wrap up your academic obligations in CS/IT 285 and finish the semester successfully:
- Complete your evaluation for the course.
- Review rubric for final paper.
- Fully participate in today’s (Day 24) class – last homework grade!
- 9.3.1 guided practice – various scenarios
- Outline 9.3.1 for your own topic
- Decide if you will attend Thursday’s class – 0ptional final paper workshop day.
- Set expectations: Will you just use this time as a quiet and organized place to write with supervision and accountability? Or do you have specific questions to which you need responses?
- Write out questions. Remember that I will not read entire papers in order to “check” them or proofread them before submission. I will, however, be happy to provide answers to targeted questions.
- No: “Can you read my paper and tell me what to fix?”
- Yes: “At the end of my second paragraph, I’d like to make sure I cited my source correctly. Can you confirm that my in-line citation is accurate?”
- Write out questions. Remember that I will not read entire papers in order to “check” them or proofread them before submission. I will, however, be happy to provide answers to targeted questions.
- Set expectations: Will you just use this time as a quiet and organized place to write with supervision and accountability? Or do you have specific questions to which you need responses?
- Make your plan: what is your multi-day writing schedule for the final paper? How will you ensure that it is submitted by this weekend?
As requested, here is the mind map document I showed in class today about Scenario 2.