Taught by A. Potasznik

Day 16 To Do list


To review, here are the deadlines for expected activity for everyone on Day 16  (Thursday, March 26):

  • Watch the Day 16 lecture, either in real time or recorded.
  • Watch your classmate’s project presentations. Note sound issues. [mp3, incognito]
    • Sound check your own presentation.
  • Respond with comment or question to your section’s presentation by 8:00pm tonight. Your comment can be an answer to someone else’s question, but please post your own reply (and mention the person to whom you’re responding by name). Check calendar, title, and forum location to confirm you are watching correct presentation.
  • Post your initial Day 16 homework answers (which correspond to the Day 15 lecture) in the right forum by 3pm. Use text box, do not attach files.
  • Respond to each of your group members’ posts (in individual reply posts, 1 post for each reply) by 11:59pm.
  • WW4 is due this weekend.

I very much appreciate your cooperation, patience, and sense of humor as we continue to adjust to this new format. You are doing great! I am happy to answer your questions along the way.

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