Hi everyone,
With the news that we will not be returning to campus for class this semester, we are unleashing the Final Plan Tweak, which includes online projects. The process will be as follows:
The presentations will not be live. Each group will upload a document to Blackboard.
Students will record their presentation, with slides and voice, (audio recording instructions here for ppt and here for Google Slides, another example here) and post it to the appropriate Blackboard folder by 8am on the day of their original presentation. If recording with ppt as opposed to Google Slides, sound should be in .mp3 format if possible. All other students in that section (previously those who were in the audience for each presentation) will be required to comment on the project by 8:00pm that night. As always, projects must adhere to the instructions set forth at https://blogs.umb.edu/amandapotasznik/project-details-and-advice/.
You can find your upload folder in the Course Materials folder on Blackboard.
This means you will be working remotely with your project group to create an end product that includes all of your slides and voices. If for some reason you still do not have contact information for your group members, please let me know. I suggest you start the process of practicing and recording your project as soon as possible, since there will no doubt be obstacles that pop up along the way.
The class calendar has information about who is expected to post on each day. Don’t forget: even if you are not in the presenting group, you are expected to react/interact with each project posted.
Let me know if you have questions,
Screenshots for those who want visuals:
IF YOU ARE PRESENTING A PROJECT (audience members, your instructions are below this set)
Blackboard > Course Materials > Projects
Select your section (times are in descriptions)
Click through.
Create a new thread for your project.
In the subject line, type your project title and the names of all your presenters. Upload your file, making sure the sound works. Submit.
Remember that audience members (everyone in a class section who is not presenting on a certain day) are expected to post at least one comment or question on each project. Here’s how to do so: