McCormack Hall, Fifth Floor, Room 610
Phone: 617-287-7760
Fax: 617-287-7725
Lizzy Cantor, Academic Advisor
Lizzy works with declared concentrators for general academic advising purposes. She also coordinates the Management TRAIL program, a learning community for transfer students in their first semester at UMass Boston; provides resources for students who join CM from within the university; and works with our student Office Assistant Team.
Mara Sidman Gould, Assistant Director, Undergraduate Program/Advisor
Mara works with declared concentrators for general academic advising purposes. She also works with the Management LEAD program; both advising students in the program and working with the Peer LEADers.
Yue Huang, Student Services Specialist/Advisor
Yue works with declared concentrators for general academic advising purposes. She also coordinates the Management Achievement Program (MAP) and works with the College of Management student groups and leadership opportunities.
Rebecca Meaney, Academic Advisor
Rebecca works with declared concentrators for general academic advising purposes. She also coordinates the CM Tutoring Center and works with the PASS program for students in academic jeopardy in the College of Management.
Amy Daubney Mei, Undergraduate Program Director
Amy oversees the functions of the office and works with all CM students on policy exceptions, course overloads, and graduation clearances. She is available for appointments regarding policy exceptions.
Leona Thomas, Staff Assistant
Leona may be a familiar face to many, as she has worked in the faculty support center in CM for many years. Now, in our office, she continues to help students navigate the College and campus experience while providing support to many of the staff and programs in the College of Management.