MAP Workshops Week of 4/29/2019

Hi all, Happy Friday! Please see below for next week’s MAP workshops.   Spring Day of Service: 4/27/19, 8:ooam-3:00pm How to prepare for the “Boston City Insider: Career Networking Event”: 4/29/19, 2:00pm-3:00pm Time Management by Beta Gamma Sigma: 4/29/19, 5:30pm-6:30pm Financial Education Institute: Investing for the Beginner: 4/30/19, 12:30pm-1:30pm “Who Am I To Me!” by Read More…

MAP Workshops Week of 4/22/2019

Hi all, Happy Friday! Please see below for next week’s MAP workshops. Ten Steps for Breaking into the Entertainment/Media Industry and the Corporate World, Hosted by Delta Sigma Pi Spring 2019 Pledge Class: 4/22/19, 2pm-3pm Facilitation: 4/22/19, 2pm-3pm Financial Education Institute: Financial Plan Review: 4/23/19, 2pm-3pm Fundamental Laws of Investing: Fundamental Laws of Investing: Medicare Read More…

MAP Workshops Week of 4/16/2019

Hi all, Happy Friday! Please see below for next week’s MAP workshops. Please keep in mind that campus is closed on Monday 4/15/19 for Patriot’s Day. The Interview Style of the Future: 4/16/19, 12:30pm-1:30pm Fundamental Laws of Investing- Life Insurance and Annuities: 4/16/19, 2pm-4pm Self-Advocacy and How to Say No: 4/17/19, 11am-12pm Salary and Job Read More…

MAP Workshops Week of 4/1/19 and CM Student Leader Applications

Hi all, Happy Friday! Please see below for next week’s MAP workshops and for the application link to student leadership roles in the College of Management Undergraduate Program office for the 2019/2020 year. Applications close 4/7/19 at 11:59pm. Identifying your Career Values: 4/1/19, 11am-12pm (Career Development) Financial Education Institute- Tax Planning: 4/1/19, 2pm-3pm (Wellness) Fundamental Read More…

College of Management Updates, Week of 3/25

Happy Friday all, Check out this special opportunity to hear from Bill Cummings- see below. A Conversation with Bill Cummings, author of “Starting Small and Making it Big: An Entrepreneur’s Journey to Billion-Dollar Philanthropist”: Local author, entrepreneur, and billion-dollar philanthropist explains how he went from selling ice cream from the back of his bike and Read More…

CMWA Workshops

CMWA Workshops MONDAY, April 1 2-3pm WEDNESDAY, May 6  10-11am Are you planning to take the College of Management Writing Assessment (CMWA)?  This workshop will review what is covered on the assessment, how it is graded and ways to prepare. **REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND** Please Click Here to REGISTER for a CMWA Workshop