Course withdrawal and pass/fail deadline
Wednesday, May 13th
Congratulations on getting to the finish line for the semester! We know this has been a hard one all around.
We just want to remind you that the course withdrawal and pass/fail deadline is Wednesday, May 13th.
Course Withdrawal:
If you are having a hard time with a course and wish to avoid a grade that you don’t want, you may withdraw from that course. If you do so you will be given a grade of “W”, which will remain on your record but will not affect your cumulative grade point average. You may register for the same course in another semester.
You can read the full policy here:
Another option is to take a course pass/fail. Most courses may be taken pass/fail, but it’s important to check with your advisor because some majors don’t allow their courses to be taken pass/fail.
SPRING 2020 only:
This semester only, students may select to take more than one course pass/fail. There are some courses that may not be taken pass/fail. You can access more information about the Spring 2020 policy here: https://www.umb.edu/coronavirus/for_students/classes#panel24
When you earn a Pass (P) grade, the course counts as graduation units, but the Pass won’t impact your GPA. A Fail (F) grade will affect your GPA as a regular “F” would.
If you are receiving financial aid, please check with a financial aid counselor about what impact Pass/Fail or course withdrawal may have on your Satisfactory Academic Progress.
We strongly encourage you to check with your advisor before making any decisions.
You can withdraw from a course or select the pass/fail option on WISER. You can find instructions at:https://www.umb.edu/it/getting_services/wiser/wiser_help_for_students
If you have questions email your advisor or Registrar@umb.edu
Stay safe and well. Good luck finishing your semester!