Are you prepared? Have you registered and researched the companies who will be attending, and have a game plan for talking with each of them? Have you polished your resume? Do you have an elevator pitch (15-30 seconds on who you are and what you’re looking for?) Are you planning to bring something professional to collect things in? (A bag or pad-folio can go a long way!) And last but not least, are you prepared to be professionally dressed?
Business etiquette for professional attire can vary based on gender. Here are some helpful tips when considering attire for the Career Fair.
Men: Your suit should fit, be ironed, nicely tailored, and conservative regarding color choices. A tie is almost always a good idea, and make sure you have shined, closed-toed shoes (with matching socks) as well. Your shoes and belt should match if you choose to wear one, be careful of too much cologne, and make sure your facial hair is kept neat. Piercings and tattoos should be minimized or covered if possible.
Women: Your suit should fit, be nicely tailored, avoid overpowering patterns, and be conservative regarding color choices. Avoid distracting jewelry, revealing clothing, overpowering perfume, and makeup that could be considered distasteful. Shined, closed toes shoes with low heels are recommended (you will be standing for some time).
All students: Make sure your hair is neat, choose mints over gum, and leave your phone in your pocket/bag unless you’re using it to take down some employer information! And remember…the best thing you can wear is a smile!
Reminder, check IN with Career Services at the elevators on the 3rd floor, and check OUT for MAP miles at the elevator after you’re finished. We will start checking out at approximately 3:45pm, but you should plan to spend some time with the employers in the room!