CM students who have more than 60 credits are seen in the College of Management Undergraduate Program Office by one of the following advisors:
Mara Sidman: CM students with 60 credits or more, last names A-De
Rebecca Meaney: CM students with 60 credits or more, last names Df – La
David Earnhardt: CM students with 60 credits or more, last names Lb-Ra
Carlton Jones: CM students with 60 credits or more, last names Rb-Z
You can also find your advisors name on your Student Center on Wiser.
During add/drop week each of the CM based advisors are available throughout the day to advise their students. We will not have the designated time blocks for advising this week as we have during the semester (and will again starting on February 3). Now, you can stop by our office in room 610 on the fifth floor of McCormack Hall anytime between 9AM and 6PM to see an advisor. We are hopeful the wait times will be much shorter in the past with this new system as well.
CM students who have fewer than 60 credits are seen in the University Advising Center by one of the following advisors:
Christyn Carey: CM students with fewer than 60 credits, last names A-G
Michael Mahan: CM students with fewer than 60 credits, last names H-O
Fatmata Jah: CM students with fewer than 60 credits, last names P-Z
University Advising Center advisors also operate on a walk-in basis, and you can visit their office (Campus Center, first floor, room 1100) to find out more.