You may have noticed that you now have an advising hold on your account for spring 2015 registration. This hold will prevent you from being able to enroll in classes for next semester. We now require all CM students to meet with their academic advisor to have the hold lifted. Your advisor’s name is listed on your Student Center on Wiser (right side menu area).
Where can I find my advisor?
If you have fewer than 60 credits, your advisor is Christyn Carey or Michael Mahan or Fatmata Jah. They are all located in the University Advising Center (CC-1100) and the office phone number is 617.287.5500. If you have earned 60 credits or more, your advisor is Mara Sidman or Rebecca Folsom or David Earnhardt to Carlton Jones. They are all located in the CM Undergraduate Program Office (M-5-610) and the office phone number is 617.287.7760.
How can I meet with my advisor?
No matter who your advisor is or where they are located, advising appointments and walk-ins are available. Please call the appropriate office to schedule an appointment or find out more. For students with 60+ credits, you can view the walk-in schedule here:
When should I meet with my advisor?
NOW. Appointments are filling FAST. Don’t delay – get your hold lifted today!