MAP Events for the week of 4/20

These are the MAP events for the week of April 20, 2014.


Cover/Thank you Letter Workshop: Starts at 1:00 PM in H-11-0011A. MAP Miles earned: 50.

MSBDC– Getting Started in Business: Starts at 6:00 PM in Central Library, Copley Square 700 Boylston Street, Boston, MA, in Conference Room 05/06 (lower level of library). A response is required for this event. MAP Miles earned: 100.


Resume Presentation: Starts at 1:00 PM in H-11-0011A. MAP Miles earned: 50.

Change Management and Resilience: Starts at 3:00 PM in CC-3-3540. MAP Miles earned: 50.

Global Supply Chain at Target: Starts at 7:00 PM, location to be determined. MAP Miles earned: 50.


MAP Tip of the week: 

MAP ID’s can make signing in and out of events much faster, and you’ll get your miles faster! Don’t have one? Come to the Undergraduate Program Office (M-5-610) to get one for free! You can come during any of these hours:

Mondays 9am – 6pm

Tuesdays 11am – 6pm

Wednesdays 9am – 6pm

Thursdays 11am – 6pm

Friday 12pm – 5pm