Don’t forget to apply for Graduation!!

If you are planning on graduating in May or August 2014 the deadline to apply for graduation is this Friday, March 14th! If you weren’t able to get a CM Graduation Quick Check this week you can come in and see an advisor during walk-in hours to verify the date you should apply for in WISER, or  you can complete this online Graduation Quick Check form.

Not sure how to apply for graduation?
Check out these steps to walk you through the process! All graduating undergraduates must declare their intent to graduate by applying online through the WISER system.

First, log into your WISER account and look under the academic tab in your student center to make sure all of the majors, minors, concentrations, and or tracks declared are correct. If the information listed is incorrect or incomplete, fill out the concentration declaration form; track declaration form, or visit the One Stop to change or add a minor.  You can apply for graduation if the information is already correct, or once you’ve completed any necessary forms to update your record.

To Apply for Graduation:

1) You must apply through WISER. Once logged in, select Academic Planning>Planner>Academics>Apply for Graduation.
2) Click on the program you plan to graduate in and it will bring you to another screen.
3) From the drop down menu select the term of your graduation.
Click continue.
4) On the next screen, select submit and, if you are eligible, to apply you will receive a message that you have successfully applied for graduation. If you are not eligible to apply, it will let you know and you will have to rectify the problem.
5) Please print a copy of the confirmation for your records. (Print from a computer that will print the date on form.)

Next step: Submit Your Diploma Name

1) You must submit how you would like your name on your diploma through Wiser Self-Service.Once logged in, navigate to home and select Personal Portfolio then name section.
2) Select ADD A NEW NAME.
3) Select Degree and put your name the way you would like it to read on your diploma. Remember, your degree name must include both your first and last name as it is listed on your primary name at the university. If for any reason you are unable to submit your name the way you would like, please come to the Registrar’s Office.

*If you are just using your middle initial please put a period after the initial (example: William T. Morrissey)

That is it!  Once you have applied, your file is reviewed in the Registrar’s Office, prepared for college or department review, reviewed in CM (and if you have a minor or major outside of CM, it is reviewed there as well).  Once the college level reviews are completed, we send academic clearances back to the Registrar and notify students who do not meet the academic criteria for the graduation date they applied for of any problems.  This usually happens by the end of April.

Looking for Commencement Ceremony Information?

The University’s Commencement webpage will be updated throughout the semester with more details about the ceremonies that will take place on May 30, 2014.  Students who graduated in December 2013, and those who have applied for May 2014 or August 2014 will participate in the ceremony this year.