Summer Tutoring Available for AF 210, 211, 301, BC 230, BC 290, MSIS 110, 212, and 301

The Summer Session I is underway and the College of Management Tutoring Center is open Monday – Thursday for your questions in AF 210, AF 211, AF 301, BC 230, BC 290, MSIS 110, MSIS 212, and MSIS 301.

The tutoring schedule for each of these courses can be found online on the CM Tutoring Center Page. This page will also display any Tutoring Absences or changes to the schedule as they occur.

Summer I ends on July 11th and tutoring will be available through July 11th. Summer II begins on July 15th and tutoring will resume for Summer II on July 15th.

If you are attending class, up to date on all assignments, but are having trouble with a certain topic, the time to seek tutoring is now. Whether you stop by once, or come weekly, the CM Tutoring Center is here to help.