ebook interactive

pedagogy, publication, research

February 15, 2012
by mary.simone
1 Comment

iPad as an interactive white board

What you need requirements to use an iPad as an IWB. You

  1. An iPad
  2. A laptop or desktop computer (Apple is best, of course, but Windows computers can work as well since identified software is cross-platform)
  3. A wifi network connection (configured with ports open to allow sharing/communication between the iPad and computer – this can be an ad-hoc network or a ‘normal’ wifi hotspot / network)
  4. An LCD projector with screen or large format TV to serve as the external display
  5. Software applications which support both remote control and remote mirroring of a computer screen, along with screen annotation / recording (IWB-like software)


Part I

Part II

February 15, 2012
by mary.simone

Textbook Transformation

A Multi-Touch textbook on iPad is a gorgeous, full-screen experience full of interactive diagrams, photos, and videos. No longer limited to static pictures to illustrate the text, now students can dive into an image with interactive captions, rotate a 3D object, or have the answer spring to life in a chapter review. They can flip through a book by simply sliding a finger along the bottom of the screen. Highlighting text, taking notes, searching for content, and finding definitions in the glossary are just as easy. And with all their books on a single iPad, students will have no problem carrying them wherever they go. Top 12 publishers are creating e-textbooks now.

February 15, 2012
by mary.simone

Setting up a Library iPad program

Some of the issues to consider before deploying an iPad loan program to students and faculty is:

  • Reservation policy
  • Usage documentation
  • late fees
  • iPad settings
  • When an iPad is returned,  “Erase all content and settings” option in the iPad’s Settings menu to wipe out any files, logins, or browsing history left behind by the patron. We then restore the iPad with the backup in iTunes which resets the device back to our settings.

Read more:

February 15, 2012
by mary.simone

iPad as a Teaching Slate

Would you like to use your iPad as a teaching slate, as you walk around your class and project various applications from your computer?

  • In iTunes store you buy the splashtop app  to transform your ipad used as a remote computer.
  • Use a computer hooked up to a projector, and your ipad  connected to an the computer wireless
  • Put an  ip address of the computer in the  splashtop app to connect the ipad to the computer wireless

February 15, 2012
by mary.simone

Textbook Creation Apps

Extracts taken from

iBooks Author: An ebook publisher looks at Apple’s textbook creation app

by Steven Sande Jan 23rd 2012 at 9:00AM  Tuaw

The free creation tool iBooks Author  just like iWorks suite offers a template that  publishers can use for out of the box  creation of eBooks.  iBook Author is easy to learn for those already familair with Pages (iWorks Suite). For each template, there is a very complete set of paragraph, character and list styles that can be applied to text with a click. New styles can be generated and added to the template as well. In addition, there are a number of page layouts available. The layouts include Chapters, Sections, copyright, dedication, and forward pages, blank pages, and 1 through 3 column pages. Placeholders appear on each layout, and with a click you can replace the boilerplate with your own text or image.

iAuthor Templates for eBooks


There are also widget available with iBook AUthor  that add special functions to eBooks.  Those functions include interactive galleries, sound or video media, Keynote presentations, interactive review quizzes, interactive images, 3D rotatable images, and HTML code.  iBooks Author has excellent integration with iTunes, iPhoto, and GarageBand for importing media into your project. Text can be wrapped around the images, and frames, masks, and shadows applied to the images to give them depth on a page.

Publishing: iBooks Author’s book format is specific to iBooks 2; you can’t directly republish your book to work in the Kindle Bookstore.  to get a book published on the Kindle Bookstore, but note that it is much easier than getting a book into the iBookstore. For that, you need to have an iBookstore seller account, have a copy of iTunes Producer to take the iTunes Store package created by iBooks Author and publish it into the iBookstore, and have an active contract. You also need to have a bank account set up to receive proceeds through electronic payment, an ISBN for each title, and a US tax ID.

February 9, 2012
by mary.simone
1 Comment

Key Principals of Social Learning

Students want to :

  1. Connect
  2. Communicate
  3. Collaborate:
  •  strong commitment to community building , helping the faculty create collaborate environment. So instructructional designers would do:  How do you ask questions, how do you inspire dialogue.
  • Used social learning constructs. activities were social activities- what the students can share with one another, and what faculty can share with students.
  •  Ease of accessing streams of content and new info and ease of contributing info
Academic engagement Network  goingon.com
  • my dashboard-activity streams, my content, notification and feeds
  • my communities: programs workgroups, social classrooms, student cooperatives, clubs and associations
  • my channels and feeds: announcements, news and events SIS data, web resources
  • my academic identity
If we build it, will they come:
  1. remember fundamentals: domain community and practice. Think participant goals first, institutional goals second
  2. Design for growth: create flexible goals and tools at any pace. Build aspects that promote new differentiate activities
  3. Build Critical mass: involve key participants earl, pick strong projects that involve diverse participation, develop buy in quickly
  4. Develop permeable space, involve novice and experts, inside and outside constituents
  5. Make sure all participants derive value
  6. Everyone should see value in participation- focus groups
  7. Abide by community norms and foster trustAllow the community to develop its own policies and prococedures. allow the profile to move among communities.
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