Scholarship Deadline Extended

The deadline for the Anderson and Atkins scholarships have been extended to March 1, 2013. If you haven’t submitted your application, do so now! You cannot be awarded the scholarship if you do not submit your application!

The Francis and Marie Anderson Scholarship

  • Application due February 1, 2013 March 1,2013
  • Awarded to a student in accounting or finance, among other criteria
  • Minimum Overall GPA of 3.0, 3.5 GPA in Accounting or Finance courses
  • Check the CM Scholarships and Awards webpage for full criteria and to access the application
  • Completed applications should be turned into the College of Management in M-5-610

The Atkins Scholarship

  • Application due February 1, 2013 March 1, 2013
  • Awarded to an entrepreneurial student, among other criteria
  • Minimum Overall GPA of 3.2
  • Check the CM Scholarships and Awards webpage for full criteria and to access the application
  • Completed applications should be turned into the College of Management in M-5-610


If you have any questions about these scholarships, please email Rebecca Folsom at