The Importance of Multiculturalism in Education

One facet of the scholastic experience that can at times be discounted is the institutions multiculturalism. Attending a university that values diversity, better prepares it’s student body to take part in an ever expanding global society.

Sure, attending business school is about covering topics like- the ‘Break Even Point’, Profit Margins and the Accounting Equation, but steadfast wisdom is built when we strengthen our ability to recognize perspectives outside of our own and weave that knowledge into our daily practices.

Group polarization is a theory that states; if you’re only surrounded by those who share your same opinion, as a group you become more and more extreme. If all of your friends agree with you all the time, it’s probably time to make a few new ones. By interacting with people of different backgrounds, experiences, and opinions, we can take inventory of our own judgements from a more unbiased perspective.

One of the best things about about college is that it’s a convenient spot to find multitudes of people to disagree with you! Collaborating with students who might have a different perspective, enriches your educational experience, promotes personal growth and a healthy society, strengthens communities and the workplace and enhances economic competitiveness.

UMass Boston was voted the most diverse student body – measured by ethnicity, gender, age, sociocultural background, professional aspiration and disability—among regional schools accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

A faculty member in the College of Management, teaching Computer and Information Systems shared: ” In spite of the diverse student body in this relatively large class, practically everyone was involved in class discussions. In the end, the class was unified in spirit and enthusiasm. On the last day of class, students on their own, brought in food to share and we had a going away party, of sorts. I was very pleased. In addition, considering this is a gateway course into the program, and in spite of varying degree of completion in the MBA program, they insisted on a group picture- very fun.”

We encourage you to continue to explore ways to progress on the path to further education in scholastic, professional and personal environments!