Center for Social Development and Education Blog

June 12, 2023
by Center for Social Development and Education

Universal Screening: What and Why?

With a return to in-person learning, the impact of COVID closures on students’ academic and behavioral functioning became starkly apparent. Schools saw many of their students falling below grade and age-level benchmarks. The already-challenging circumstances of remote schooling were exacerbated … Continue reading

May 16, 2022
by Center for Social Development and Education

Remote inclusion and social isolation: Inclusive extracurricular activities during COVID-19

At the end of April, Director of Program Evaluation Holly Jacobs and I presented in a roundtable discussion at the annual American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. Our presentation centered on the impacts of COVID-19 for inclusive extracurricular activities such … Continue reading

April 18, 2022
by Center for Social Development and Education

Teacher preparedness to teach SEL in schools

Upon talking with teachers about incorporating social emotional learning into afterschool sports, I was surprised to learn that some teachers did not know what social emotional learning was. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) involves people learning and applying the skills to … Continue reading

October 18, 2021
by Center for Social Development and Education

COVID-19’s impact on instruction adaptations for students with disabilities

Despite educators’ best efforts, remote learning has affected students with disabilities’ learning accommodations. School districts are still required by federal law to provide services to the greatest extent possible, yet accommodations like preferential seating, limited distractions, check-ins for understanding, and … Continue reading

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