Center for Social Development and Education Blog

January 10, 2022
by Center for Social Development and Education

Multiply marginalized: disabled students of color at the intersect of race and disability

While coding survey responses from teachers as part of our annual evaluation of the Unified Champion Schools program, I came across an anecdote about a middle school student of color with autism, Junior, sharing a traumatic experience: “Junior was playing … Continue reading

December 22, 2021
by Center for Social Development and Education

See you in 2022!

The Center for Social Development and Education will be closed for the winter holidays. We will resume sharing new and exciting blogs with you in January of 2022. We wish a joyful new year to all our readers!

November 29, 2021
by Center for Social Development and Education

Creating a sport climate conducive to positive youth development

During my time as a competitive synchronized swimmer, there was a period in which I never wanted to attend practice. Everyone, including the coaches, acted hostile toward one another, and there was a general sense that not a single person … Continue reading

November 15, 2021
by Center for Social Development and Education

Explicit SEL instruction serves as an “instruction manual” to youth

Explicit SEL instruction helps students diversify their inventory of social-emotional skills and strengthen their SEL knowledge. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the set of skills people use to manage everyday emotional responses, form healthy relationships, and make constructive choices. Imagine you … Continue reading

November 1, 2021
by Center for Social Development and Education

Connecting research and practice using qualitative methods

“That intervention just isn’t going to work for my students.” “My school doesn’t have the time.” “This program isn’t working like you said it would.” In school-based research, these phrases are commonplace. Despite the careful planning put into intervention research, … Continue reading

October 18, 2021
by Center for Social Development and Education

COVID-19’s impact on instruction adaptations for students with disabilities

Despite educators’ best efforts, remote learning has affected students with disabilities’ learning accommodations. School districts are still required by federal law to provide services to the greatest extent possible, yet accommodations like preferential seating, limited distractions, check-ins for understanding, and … Continue reading

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