During my time as a competitive synchronized swimmer, there was a period in which I never wanted to attend practice. Everyone, including the coaches, acted hostile toward one another, and there was a general sense that not a single person was having fun.
Several years later, it’s clear to me that our team was experiencing a negative team climate. Without a positive atmosphere, players experience greater rates of burnout and are less likely to experience personal growth. A positive team climate not only makes sport more enjoyable, but it’s also essential for athletes’ development of social and emotional skills such as self-discipline and teamwork.
Although both teammates and coaches contribute to the creation of these environments, coaches are positioned to greater influence their team’s climate. Specifically, coaches contribute to the climate by setting the overarching team dynamics and mission. Through their authority, they determine if the climate is “task-involving” (i.e., characterized by self-improvement, leadership opportunities, and collaboration among players with varying skill levels) or “ego-involving” (i.e., emphasize competition and intra-team rivalry, allow little room for player input, and hierarchically grouping players based on their ability levels). In addition, coaches impact climate through their intrinsic roles as models. In fact, coaches’ prosocial behavior has been shown to predict that of their players.
As such, coaches have the opportunity to promote a positive team climate through the coaching philosophy they adopt and embody it through their actions. This is no easy undertaking. It requires constantly being self-reflective and mindful of one’s behavior. However, it’s worth the effort to create a space where young people can learn and grow.
By Margaret Mackin, Senior Research Assistant at the Center for Social Development and Education.