BWP Hosts 2011 Urban Sites Network Conference

Urban Sites Network Conference LogoNurturing Student Writing: Navigating Urban Literacies

APRIL 29–30, 2011

The Colonnade Hotel
Boston, Massachusetts
Host site: Boston Writing Project

The Boston Writing Project at the University of Massachusetts Boston is proud to serve as your host for the 2011 Urban Sites Network Conference, Nurturing Student Writing: Navigating Urban Literacies.

Join urban educators from around the country to explore how we can change the way we look at literacy and what it means to be literate. Students are bombarded with learning a variety of literacies and finding a means to tap into these outlets will prove to be a vital component to education in the 21st century.

For more detailed information visit the National Writing Project’s event page.

Download and complete the registration form. The early conference registration deadline is March 4, 2011 and the standard registration deadline is April 7, 2011.