Technology and Writing Workshops

Photo: Teacher Consultants in Computer Lab

TCs at Work in Computer Lab

Saturday, December 4, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, BWP will be offering three continuity workshops. Technology and Writing is the theme of the day. Attendees will have an opportunity to participate in two workshop presentations, with three concurrent sessions and repeat one of them:

Jason Rickles (BWP 2010) presents “Discussion Forums and Social Networking in a Writing Curriculum.”

Valerie Librizzi (BWP 2008) leads folks through Practical Applications of Glogster,” the electronic poster webapp.

Fred Haas (BWP 2008) demonstrate “Incorporating Video Production in Your Classroom on a Shoestring,” in two repeat sessions.

The day will begin with a brief meeting where our summer institutes convened, Healey Library, fourth floor, room 031. Then participants will move to choice of first session. After a small break we will switch to the second sessions.

Come, join us for fellowship and learning. Please RSVP:
[contact-form 3 “RSVP”]

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