Programs & Cost

Estimated Cost Comparison

School Counseling M.Ed.

New England Regional Online (flat rate)
 Annual Tuition  $14,524   $28,350   $26,884   $18,975  
Total Tuition   $29,049   56,701   $53,769   $37,950  

Beacon Fellow Cost of Attendance

Year 1 $7,262  $14,175 $13,442 $9,487
Year 2 $0 (not inlcuding fees) $0 (not inlcuding fees) $0 (not inlcuding fees) $0 (not inlcuding fees)
Total  $7,262    $14,175 $13,442  $9,487 

School Psychology M.Ed./Ed.S.

  In-State Out-of-State New England Regional
 Annual Tuition $14,524  $28,350  $26,884 
Total Tuition  $43,573 $85,052  $80,653 

Beacon Fellow Cost of Attendance

Year 1 Tuition  $7,262 $14,175  $13,442 
Year 2 Tuition $3,631  $7,087  $6,721 
Year 3 Tuition $0 (not inlcuding fees) $0 (not inlcuding fees) $0 (not inlcuding fees)
Total Tuition $10,893 $21,263  $20,163 

Note: These are estimated tuition costs for the academic year 2023-2024. In addition to tuition, students are also responsible for university fees of approximetely $1000 for the 1st year. Subsequent fees are an estimate of $500/year. UMass Boston students require health insurance. UMass Boston offers a PPO plan that costs approximetely $2700/year.

Please also note that each Fellow receives a $26,000 living stipend for their full-time internship year.

Program Comparison

School Psychology
School Counseling
 Prerequisites 5 Psychology courses including: Intro to Psychology, Human Development, & Statistics 
 2 Social Science Courses
Min. Undergrad GPA   3.0
3 years
2 years
 60  66
Individual/Group Counseling, Consultation, & Psychological Testing   Individual/Group Counseling & Consultation
 Internship Hours Requirements  1200 hrs
(+ 400 hrs of Practicum in Year 2)
 1350 hrs
(+ 100 hrs of Practicum in Year 1)
 Degree Master of Education (M.Ed.)/
Education Specialist (Ed.S.) 
 Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Licensed School Psychologist by the MA Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education
Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) (Optional)
 Licensed School Counselor
Licensed School Adjustment Counselor
by the MA Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education
Mean Salary in MA
(as of May 2022) 
$95,000  $76,860