Mass. Memories Road Show Project Handbook
This publication contains everything that a local planning team needs to know about what to expect on the day of the event and the steps in the planning process. Guidelines for collaboration—across your community and with UMass Boston—are also included.
Download the Mass. Memories Road Show Project Handbook (2016).
Publicity Materials
The vast majority of participants at Mass. Memories Road Show events report that they heard about the opportunity to contribute photographs by word of mouth from a member of the local planning team.
Still, all communities find that conventional outreach methods are necessary to attract a large and representative turnout on the event day. Standard publicity materials include flyers, press releases, and public service announcements. Together, they help guide reporters in writing newspaper articles and producing radio and television programs that inform potential participants and generate interest—with a local flair.
Every Mass. Memories Road Show needs a flyer to notify community members about the event. Successful flyers, designed by the local planning team, include:
- a call for community members to bring photographs and stories
- event location, date, and time
- local contact name, email, and phone number
- Mass. Memories Road Show “filmstrip” logo
- UMass Boston logo
- Mass. Memories Road Show standard description
- sponsor information
Example flyers
Logo Bundle
Download the Mass. Memories Road Show film strips and UMass Boston logo
- Horizontal film strip (version 1, short)
- Horizontal film strip (version 1, long)
- Horizontal film strip (version 2)
- Vertical film strip
- UMass Boston logo (download as JPG or PNG)
Press Releases
Distributing a press release to local newspapers and other media outlets can help build enthusiasm encourage volunteer participation and attendance at the event.
- Download the press release for the Nahant Mass. Memories Road Show.
Public Service Announcements (PSA)
Many communities work with local cable stations, high school students, and volunteers to produce PSAs for broadcasting on television or distributing through social media.
Lexington Mass. Memories Road Show PSA
Stoneham Mass. Memories Road Show PSA
Local Cable Access Programs
Local cable access stations often welcome the chance to feature the Mass. Memories Road Show as part of community history programming.