Interested in bringing the Road Show to your community?
Ultimately, the Mass. Memories Road Show team aims to hold events in all of the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts as well as all of the Boston neighborhoods. If the program has not yet visited your community, you can get involved by helping to plan a future Mass. Memories Road Show. Events are arranged by application, and approximately 3-4 events are selected to be produced each year.
We are currently accepting applications on a rolling basis.
If you are interested in applying, please email to learn more about the program and how to prepare a successful application.
The Mass. Memories Road Show organizes two types of Road Shows:
- Community Mass. Memories Road Show events strive to include residents and other individuals connected to a Boston neighborhood or another city or town in Massachusetts. Organized in cooperation with a variety of local organizations, these events invite anyone with a connection to a given locality to share photographs and stories that reflect their family history or life in the community.
- Thematic Mass. Memories Road Show events explore specific themes or topics related to Massachusetts history. Thematic Road Shows necessarily cross geographic boundaries, while also stressing inclusiveness and welcoming of disparate experiences. Examples include: World War II, Chinese American experiences, and hip-hop culture.
To apply for a Community Mass. Memories Road Show, please use this online form.
To apply for a Thematic Mass. Memories Road Show, please use this online form.
Connect with the Mass. Memories Road Show on Facebook!
Questions? Please email