iPads in the Classroom

Enhancing teaching and Learning with iPads

Week 3: Stage 1+ and running


Just another iPad in the Classroom Day

This has been quite a week!  The number of classes using the iPad cart has settled in at 10.  The number of support people we are using for the cart has  increased to 20 including student support staff  needed just to roll the cart from the media labs and DLS to the Healey Library, McCormack and Wheatley Buildings.  This is the third week of the launch and there are still some holes in the cart schedule.  Many thanks to all the supervisors and consults who have pitched in.


I received some requests about better security for the cart and more technical training for its maintenance from Christopher Pahud and Jessica Downa.   I have forwarded your requests to Venu who has created documentation about charging the iPads and configuring them.  I will be asking Venu to contact the supervisors and consultants with this information and provide training where necessary.  Stage one is a great time for feedback about procedures and policies for the cart, as well as feasibility of the support model given the amount of other services the media labs and the DLS are responsible for.

We are now working with the Healey Library to establish policy and procedures for the reserve of 4 iPads to classes that are using the mobile cart.  The library reserve of  iPads will be made available on October 15. Many thanks to Bob Conway, Janet Stewart, SallyAnn Lopez of the Library and John Mazzarella and Venu for working with me on this launch.

Check out John Mazzarella’s comment to Susan Mraz’s post for feedback about apps availability and  the charging of the iPads.  We welcome your comments to our posts and invite you to post your concerns and questions to the entire group.




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