Finding your class location and the CM Grad Programs Office

With the start of the new academic year here, the Graduate Program Office would like to provide a location guide to help you find your way around campus, to your classroom, and to our office location.

CM Grad Program Offices

CM Office Sign in HallwayThe Graduate Program Office is located in the McCormack Building, on the 5th floor. Here you will be able to find the offices for Jeff Masse, Tara Norton, and Steve Sze.

Presently the elevators adjacent to the office are being upgraded, but you can take the elevators down the hall (near the Beacon Fitness Center, from the 1st floor), then take a right once off the elevators on the 5th floor, and head down the hallway to our office suite.


Look for the ceiling sign indicating “Graduate Office”. To make an appointment with an advisor, email, and he will assist in scheduling an appointment for you.

Classroom Locations: “How do I locate my classroom?
What does W-01-0058 or UMass Center mean?”

  • WISER will list class locations with the following notation; the first letter is for the building, the next number is for the floor, and the final number is the room. Typical building locations are:
    • W- Wheatley
    • M- McCormack
    • Y- University Hall
  • So W-01-0058 would be located in Wheatley Hall, on the 1st floor, in room number 58.
  • NOTE: Some classes are held at our downtown Boston location, at One Beacon Street, at the UMass Center. Classes located there will be noted as:
    • UMass CenterOne Beacon Street, Downtown Boston
  • Directions and Maps:
    • For detailed directions to classrooms on the Harbor Campus– 100 Morrissey Blvd
    • For detailed directions to classrooms at the UMass Center 1 Beacon St, Boston
    • Here you will find the  Campus Map


MS Finance accepted for participation in the CFA Institute University Affiliation Program

Students gathered around a computer University Affiliation Program, CFA Institute

Dear College of Management Community,

The College of Management is pleased to announce that the MS, Finance degree program (MSF) of the Accounting and Finance department has been accepted for participation in the CFA Institute University Affiliation Program. The CFA UAP requires that 70% or more of the designated program curriculum parallels the study materials of the CFA Institute Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK).

A special word of thanks for this affiliation goes to (1) KoEun Park, Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance, who will serve as the Principal Contact Person with the CFA Institute University Affiliation Program, (2) Lucia-Silva Gao, Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance, for shepherding the College’s application through its various stages of development with the CFA UAP, and (3) members of the Accounting and Finance department curriculum committee for their detailed mapping of the MS, Finance curriculum with that of the CFA CBOK.

Thanks again, and congratulations!


James L. Grant, PhD
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
College of Management

Degree Diplomas Mailed Late Summer/Fall

The College of Management Graduate Programs Office would like to once again congratulate all of our recent Spring and August graduates upon having completed (or wrapping up!) their degrees.

Receiving Your Diploma in the Mail

Once final degree requirements have been verified by the Registrar’s office, degree diplomas will be sent out to print, and then mailed to the address that is on file in Wiser for each graduate.

This can actually be a lengthy process, and so you can expect to receive your diploma in the mail in either late summer (August) or early Fall (September/October) depending on your exact graduation date (May or August).

This is also a good time to log into Wiser to verify the address on file is the one you would like to have your diploma mailed to.

If you have any questions you can contact the Registrar’s Office for details.

Congrats again, and have a great summer!


Toastmasters International


Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Toastmasters has more than 345,000 memberships. Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 15,900 clubs in 142 countries that make up Toastmasters global network of meeting locations.

The idea of creating a Toastmasters club at the University came out of the desire to raise leaders within our community who want to make an impact on the world.  I believe in professional development and helping individuals achieve their true potential! As individuals striving to become better leaders we see the value that public speaking brings to the world.

Please send this email to students/ faculty that you believe may benefit from this new opportunity or that may like to speak at the public speaking sessions! I have also attached the flyer for the first meeting, I would greatly appreciate it if you spread the word!

Our club will be meeting every Monday from 5pm to 7 pm. The first meeting will be held on Monday February 6th  at the Campus Center 3rd Floor Ballroom 3540.  All other meetings starting February 13th will be held in M01-409.   The club is open to all faculty, staff, with any background etc.

Here is the link where you can become part of the organization to receive notifications:

Looking forward to this new adventure!!!

If you have any questions,

Please contact me at  

Start of Semester Reminders

UMB Classrooms

As we move into the final weekendUMB Classrooms  before the start of Fall ’16 classes, I wanted to share a couple of reminders that should be helpful in the beginning weeks of the semester.



Student ID and Program: Please include your Student ID and Program in all emails to Tara, Steve and I. We strive give all of our students the best service, advising and assistance that we can, and in a timely manner. Including your Student ID and Program in your email will aid in our response time, and confirming your degree details.

Registration Request: “HELP! WISER is giving me an error!”  – Though this happens all too often, we in the GPO have created a streamlined process to address your registration needs for any Wiser errors. Simply fill out and submit the Registration Request form, and we will process your request within 24-48 hours (often much sooner).

Student Resources: We’ve also developed the Student Resources page as a destination for many Frequently Asked Questions, forms, and information that you might be looking for.

Immunization holds: Each semester, University Health Services will confirm if each student has verified their immunization records with them. This is of course important for the health and well being of our campus community.  If you have not done so yet, please refer to the University Health Services webpage, as well as the immunization details to begin that process, as it will affect your ability to register come Spring Registration in November.

Just a few helpful hints to keep in mind!

Enjoy your weekend, and have a great first week of classes!

Jeff Masse
Graduate Program Specialist
College of Management
University of Massachusetts Boston


Turn Ideas Into Income – Business Bootcamp for Women Series

turn ideas into income

turn ideas into income  year of action

For Women Entrepreneurs, Creatives, and Small Business Owners

 HURRY!  Sign up for the summer bootcamp now:

Announcing Summer Business Bootcamps for Women from the 

Entrepreneurship Center at UMass Boston College of Management – 

in partnership with Year of Action

8 week online program Jun 20 – Aug 10 and Graduation Retreat Aug 20, 2016

Want to learn how to:

  • take your business (or idea) to the next level?
  • market and sell your products?
  • use time management and goal setting strategies for success?
  • overcome fear and doubt and get past the roadblocks that get you stuck?
  • understand the financials – in plain language?
  • increase your odds for success?

Start here.


Erin Moran McCormick

Founder/Author,Year of Action

Director, Entrepreneurship Center, UMass Boston


Where are they now? Nadia Nassif, MBA Class of 2011

Nassif, Nadia

Nadia Nassif, MBA Class of 2011


U-Mass Boston holds many fond memories for me on so many levels –where do I begin?

Beginning my MBA at the same time as my business, Springboards, allowed real-time, immediate practical application of skills, and provided extensive networking opportunities. All these skills I acquired through U-Mass are living and active in my current work with Springboards, a national communication, leadership, and cross cultural coaching firm focused on rapid career development and advancement of professional services employees ( In fact, those skills have set me apart in the marketplace.

Today, through Springboards, I am working with an incredibly accomplished team of communication and leadership coaches nationally. Together, we are helping organizations rapidly advance and engage multinationals through development of timely communication and leadership skills. 90% of our coaching clients advance professionally in under a year.

Thanks to U-Mass, I was able to obtain my MBA, part time with flexible options to choose from. I am indebted to Professor Maureen Scully, my instructor for the foundation MBA course MBAMGT 650 Organizational Analysis and Skills for Managers, and for her influence on me and my career growth. The following professors also deserve special note for the ways they challenged, supported, and encouraged me: Benjamin Lichtenstein for my independent work on multinational diversity in organizations; Annette Florzcack, for her example and professionalism in the online learning setting; Jane Buckley, who sparked a love of instructional systems design into my work and gave me the skills to stand apart in the market as a training professional who “defines clear instructional objectives” and who can measure ROI on any type of training; Dan Phillips, for his rich entrepreneurial expertise and support of me as a mentor following my business plan competition win; Arthur Bowes, who introduced behavioral interviewing; and, Bob Powers, who showed me how to speak clearly to market needs when promoting services. And so many others who showed commitment, care, and belief in me and my business.

A very special thanks goes to the Venture Development Center and their staff, and Bill Brah, who is the center director. I was privileged to witness the center being built, and evolving and maturing into the current impressive institution that it is. Bill supported me, bringing me in as a part-time tenant, then full time tenant, offering advice along the way. Dan Phillips also remained an available mentor throughout my earlier entrepreneurial days. This was a huge blessing to me.


But beyond this, it is through U-Mass that I actually met my husband, and some life long friends, at the VDC! He, too, is an entrepreneur focused on the career management space (, so we have lots to share. Incidentally, I first met him when I was stalking him for a parking spot in the South Lot (does that still exist?). It’s funny how some things turn out.

I know that these are immense privileges –unnearned, undeserved. I want to thank God through Jesus Christ for the lavish generosity of these rich opportunities: “And who has given Him so much that he needs to pay it back? For everything comes from Him and exists by his power and is intended for his GLORY.” Romans 11:35-36. Because of what God did through U-Mass, He is getting glory through me and Springboards in the marketplace, which is fundamentally why both exist. Thank you for being ‘used’, U-Mass! And keep up your mission


Master Thesis Option Defense

” Investor Learning and the Abnormal Returns to a Fundamental Signal Strategy”

presented by John Dorey

Wednesday, April 6, 2016, 3:45pm

Integrated Sciences Complex  (ISC)
4th Floor
Room 4310

Blackboard – What Is It and How to Access It

Blackboard landing page

The Blackboard portal can be accessed from the main page, at the top of the page header, next to the WISER link. You will use your student email and password to access it from there.

  • Always check WISER to verify your course enrollment.
  • Blackboard will not ‘go live’ or be accessible until sometime next week.
  • WISER is the official record keeping system for the university that tracks your enrollment. If WISER states that you are enrolled in a class, then you are officially enrolled in that class.
  • DO NOT use Blackboard to verify your class enrollment. Blackboard is a supplemental tool for on-ground classes.
  • If you are enrolled in an online class, you will use Blackboard exclusively starting  the week of Feb 1. WISER will still be the official record keeper of your enrollment. Check WISER to verify your enrollment and class start dates.
  • If you are enrolled in an on-ground class, your professor may or may not use Blackboard. Check with the professor directly to determine if Blackboard will be used for a specific class.

Blackboard functions as a separate portal for any online aspects for the on-ground classes. All fully online  classes will use Blackboard as the primary mode of communication, content and access, so be sure to check it regularly once online classes begin if you are enrolled in an online class. Online classes begin one week after on-ground classes begin.

Any other on-ground class may or may not use Blackboard to varying extents. Some professors will use it sparingly, maybe putting up the syllabus and a reading or two. Others will use it extensively to facilitate threaded chats, assignments, and regular communication.



Be sure to make use of the Getting Technical Help section if you are running into issues trying to log in or other tech-type glitches. 

UMass Boston Tobacco Free Campus Policy

Tobacco Free

Tobacco Free
A memo issued from James Overton, Interim Co-Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Robert Pomales, Executive Director, University Health Services outlines the Campus wide Tobacco-Free policy in effect as of January 19, 2016.

For information about Smoking Cessation, resources and support, please visit the UMass Boston University Health Services – Tobacco-Free Living  page.

— Memo Begins–

This memo is to inform you of the implementation of the UMass Boston Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.   This policy will be implemented on January 19, 2016.

There is considerable evidence that concentrations of smoke are harmful to nonsmokers, as well as smokers. Findings of the Surgeon General indicate that tobacco use in any form, active and passive, is a significant health hazard. The University of Massachusetts Boston has a responsibility to its faculty, staff, students, and visitors to provide a safe and healthy environment.

The Tobacco-Free Campus Policy is intended to eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke, provide an environment supportive of tobacco free lifestyles, mitigate the risk of accidental fire, eliminate the health risks associated with expectoration from smokeless tobacco, and eliminate the environmental impact of cigarette litter.

With this action, the University of Massachusetts Boston will join the other four campuses of the UMass System, which have implemented a tobacco-free campus policy.

This Policy applies to anyone within the UMass Boston campus including students, staff, faculty, contractors, and visitors.

Tobacco: For the purposes of this policy, “tobacco” refers to any and all tobacco and/or nicotine products, whether inhaled or ingested, as well as electronic cigarettes.


  1. In compliance with state law, the use of tobacco is prohibited in all buildings, including all buildings owned or leased by the University of Massachusetts Boston.
  2. The use of tobacco is also prohibited on all university grounds, including the Bayside property.
  3. The use of tobacco is prohibited inside all university owned or leased vehicles, regardless of location.
  4. Applications for exceptions to this policy may be sought (e.g., for religious celebrations or practices, artistic performances, and smoking research).

The chancellor has appointed a Tobacco-Free Policy Committee representative of students, faculty, and staff to promote the success of this policy. Members include representatives from:

Student Affairs
University Health Services
Faculty Council
Human Resources
Environmental Health and Safety
Undergraduate Student Government

Faculty and staff shall have access to on campus coaching and counseling, including private consultation and group cessation programming, through the University Health Services and through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

The university will develop and fund a smoking cessation program to assist students, faculty, and staff who wish to quit smoking.

For more information about Smoking Cessation, resources and support, please visit the University Health Services – Tobacco-Free Living page.



Finding Your Classroom Location – UMass Center

One Beacon Header Image

If your room is listed in Wiser as UMassCenter 1 Beacon St Boston, your class will be held off of the main harbor campus. It will instead be held in downtown Boston, at the One Beacon Building, in the lower level.

Example – Room: UMassCenter 1 Beacon St Boston

One Beacon Wiser image

You can get to One Beacon by way of the MBTA, using either the Red line or Green line stops of Park Street or Downtown Crossing.

One Beacon Boston map Highlighted Park St and Downtown MBTA stops

One Beacon Building Highlighted with MBTA stops Park St and Downtown Crossing.