Spring 2019 Course Highlight: MSIS 635 Health Information Analytics

MSIS 635 Health Information Analytics

Professor Kui ‘Andy’ Du


Applies to meet MBA elective, specialization in HI

Applies to meet MSBA &  MSIT elective


“Evidence-based Practice Needs Practice-based Evidence

  • Learn the Future of Health Care:

oAccumulation of Big Data in Health Care

oDigitization of Care Delivery

oDemocratization of Data and Analytics in Care Providing Organizations

oStrategic Management of Analytics for Health Care Managers

oPrepare oneself for the Coming Health Care Opportunities

  • Learn Data Analytical Skills in a Context

oHow to Prepare Data

oHow to Analyze Data

oHow to Interpret Results

oHow to Communicate Results

and a little bit R; No prior coding experiences required       

Spring 2019 Course Highlight: MSIS 642 Multivariate Statistics & Regression Analysis

MSIS 642 Multivariate Statistics & Regression Analysis

Professor Haijing Hao

Monday 5:30-8:15pm

University Hall Y-1300

Applies to meet MBA elective, specialization in BA & IS

Applies to meet MSBA requirement, MSIT elective &  BA Graduate Certificate elective

Regression analysis course introduces the fundamental concepts and applications of regression analysis, such simple linear regression, multiple regression, binary dependent variable regressions, time series analysis, panel data regression, instrumental variable regression, and some issues that we might face during those applications such as estimation, inference etc. This course will be the foundation for applied quantitative research for practical business problems or social science studies.

Fall 2019 Course Highlight: MBA AF 697 Accounting Data Analytics

MBAACM 697 Special Topics: Accounting Data Analytics

Professor Surjit Tinaikar

Tuesday 5:30-8:15pm

Applies to meet MBA elective, specialization in Accounting

Applies to meet MSA elective


Emphasis on Analytical Skills

Learn problem assessment, data preparation, data analysis, data visualization of financial statement accounts and transactions.

Emphasis on Datasets

Hands-on learning on financial and accounting datasets such as CRSP and COMPUSTAT as well as financial statement data (via XBRL) from Fortune 100 companies.

Emphasis on Tools

Learn how to conduct data analysis using Excel, SQL, Tableau, IDEA and SAS.

Comparing and contrasting tools to determine which are best suited for basic data analysis, which are easiest for internal controls testing and so on.

Spring 2019 Course Highlight: MBAACM 697 Business Communication for Managers

MBAACM 697 Special Topics: Business Communication for Managers

Lecturer Janet D’Angelo

Tuesday 5:30-8:15pm

University Hall Y-04-4130

Applies to meet MBA elective, specialization in HR

Applies to meet MSBA & MSIT elective


MBAACM 697 teaches communication as an interactive classroom. Students are expected to come to class prepared to discuss the assigned readings; brainstorm, analyze, listen to and share ideas, write and revise drafts; and engage in individual and group work and oral presentations. Students will practice peer review of both individual and group writing assignments focusing on the attention to detail, clarity, concision, content, vocabulary, and sentence structure that is required in a professional business environment. Through participation in class discussions and projects students will engage in the essential communication skills that are a critical component of developing leadership skills to motivate and inspire others.


Benefits include:

  • understand the key ingredients in effective managerial writing, small group and public presentations.
  • express ideas, argue points professionally, and frame issues in a clear, concise, and confident manner.
  • develop the interpersonal communication skills needed to listen and communicate more effectively with a diverse group of people.

Spring 2019 Course Highlight: MBAMKT 668 Entrepreneurial Sales & Marketing

MBAMKT 668 Entrepreneurial Sales & Marketing

Senior Lecturer Bob Powers

Thursday 5:30-8:15pm

University Hall Y01-4120

Applies to meet MBA elective, specialization in Entrepreneurship & Marketing

Applies to meet Contemporary Marketing Graduate Certificate elective

  • Learn how any business can
    • attract and retain customers more effectively
    • efficiently identify and win over great prospects
    • use innovative methods in all aspects of marketing
  • Learn about
    • successful entrepreneurs
    • the mistakes which led some to failure
    • revolutionary business models
  • Learn how to create winning sales and marketing plans
    • deal with change
    • understand the customer of the future
    • create markets
    • close sales
  • Join us! Questions? robert.powers@umb.edu

Spring 2019 Registration

How can we be talking about the spring semester already when it seems like the fall semester has just begun! But registration for spring 2019 is just around the corner, starting on November 5th, less than 5 weeks away. Over the next few weeks I will be highlighting the elective courses we will be offering in the spring so you may plan accordingly.

As a reminder, please review the registration process. There are a variety of reasons why you may receive an error when you attempt to enroll in a course on your own. My advice is; save yourself the frustration and use the online registration form. Those requests get sent directly to Jeff Masse and I, and we process them as quickly as we can (Typically 24-48 hours, often much sooner), and we do send you a confirmation email once you have been added to your classes.

To make your registration go as smooth as possible, I really suggest that you to log into Wiser, and look under the [Holds] icon, to check to see if you do have any holds on your account. Holds can pop up any time (annoying, I know!), and will prevent you or your advisors from registering you until they are resolved. So I ask, (nicely!) to be sure you have no holds PRIOR to submitting a registration request. Not addressing your holds will only delay the processing of your request, as Jeff and I cannot remove holds that are placed by the Health Services Office, the Bursar’s Office, the Library, Graduate Admissions. A common hold that you should be mindful to address yourself is confirming your emergency contact information. You may need to do this every semester.

If you would like to meet with Jeff or I to discuss course scheduling, you may email gradcm@umb.edu to schedule a meeting or contact us directly at Tara.Norton@umb.edu or Jeffrey.Masse@umb.edu


CFA Scholarship for 2019: Now Accepting Applications til October 10th

The Finance Curriculum Committee of the Department of Accounting and Finance is now calling for applications for the CFA Scholarship for 2019.
The deadline to apply is October 10th.

Please see the CFA Scholarship document to apply: CFA Scholarship: Call for applications 2019

The College of Management is participating in the CFA University Affiliation Program. We are listed on the CFA Institute website and entitled to award CFA Program Awareness Scholarships to ten students this fiscal year. The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) is a globally respected, graduate-level investment credential established in 1962 and awarded by CFA Institute, which is widely recognized and respected in the financial industry. To earn the CFA charter, candidates must pass three sequential, six-hour examinations.1 The scholarship waives the one-time CFA Program enrollment fee (if applicable) and reduces the exam registration fee (includes access to the curriculum eBook) to US $350.

The Curriculum Committee of Department of Accounting and Finance now call for applications for this scholarship for 2019 June Exams. To be eligible for candidacy, you must: i) be currently enrolled and have studied in UMASS Boston for at least one semester, ii) be in good standing with the College of Management and the University of Massachusetts Boston, iii) have outstanding academic and service achievements. The curriculum committee starts accepting applications now. The application deadline is October 10, 2018 (11:59 pm EST). The curriculum committee will choose four scholarship recipients from the applicants based on their course records, academic achievements, and project and service participation. Priority will be given to the candidates who take the exams of level 2 or 3.

See attached document above to apply by October 10th.

How to apply for graduation instructions

Will you complete your degree requirements this fall? Are you registered for your final semester? You are so close to the finish line,  apply now for December 2018 graduation

To Apply for Graduation:

  1. You must apply through WISER. Once logged in, select My Academics > Graduation > Apply for Graduation.
  2. Click on the program you plan to graduate* in and it will bring you to another screen.
  3. From the drop down menu select the term of your graduation. PLEASE NOTE: FALL=DECEMBER; SPRING=MAY and SUMMER=AUGUST. Click continue.
  4. On the next screen, select submit and, if you are eligible, to apply you will receive a message that you have successfully applied for graduation. If you are not eligible to apply, it will let you know and you will have to rectify the problem.
  5. Please print a copy of the confirmation for your records. (Print from a computer that will print the date on form).
  6. Then complete the appropriate degree application** form found below;

*Please note if you are completing a degree and a certificate, you will need to submit both the degree specific application and the graduate certificate application

**If completing an additional degree, do not submit the degree specific application, only submit the additional degree application and list the additional courses you complete (ie: completed MBA first and MSF as additional, do not submit the MSF application)

Research Project with Professor Veleva

Prof. Veleva is looking for a graduate assistant to work on a research project interviewing environmental entrepreneurs focused on waste reuse and repurposing. The work will involve identifying and interviewing 8 environmental entrepreneurs, drafting interview protocol, summarizing interview notes, writing case studies and helping organize a public event with participating companies. The graduate assistant is expected to work 4.5 hours/week during the academic year and they will also receive a partial tuition waiver. Preference will be given to candidates with some background and/or passion for environmental sustainability (or entrepreneurship) and those who are pursuing the environmental management specialization or the Clean Energy and Sustainability Certificate. Candidates should have good writing and communication skills, time to do the work, and ability to work independently. For more information and to apply please contact Prof. Veleva at Vesela.Veleva@umb.edu with your resume, a brief statement of interest and what would you bring to the project. Applications will be accepted until September 25, 2018.


Business, Accounting and Finance Career Expo

The Business, Accounting and Finance Career Expo is around the corner!! Tuesday, September 25th, 2018 from 3:00pm-6:00pm in the Campus Center Ballroom 3rd floor.  Currently we have over 45 companies registered and more on the way! What better place to start your internship and job search then to attend this career fair! You can go to Beacon Careers Online to sign up  and  see the list of companies attending. Here is the link: https//candidate.gradleaders.com/UMassBoston/Candidates/Login.aspx?pid=2368.

Here is a partial list of the companies attending:

Enterprise, Ernst & Young, Federal Reserve Bank, John Hancock, Liberty Mutual, State Street, Vertex, Wellington Management Company, And Many More!! 

Ways to Prepare for the Career Fair:

Career Services & Internships is having Resume Quick Checks in the Atrium on Monday, Sept 17th, Wednesday, Sept 19th and Thursday Sept 20th of next week from 11:00am-1:00pm.  Stop by and have your resume reviewed

 How to Prepare for the Career Fair Workshops: Friday, September 21st from 9:00am-10:00am at University Hall 3rd Floor, Room 3370

Monday, September 24th from 3:30pm-4:30pm at University Hall 3rd Floor, Room 3370

If you cannot attend the above workshops, please watch the video below on how to prepare for a career fair:


So get your resume pumped up and ready to be seen!! The time is now.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 25th at the Business, Accounting and Finance Career Expo!

You don’t want to miss this opportunity to meet some great employers!

Business attire is required.