Bayside Campus Open House

This fall, the College of Management expanded its classrooms and many accounting courses and the Professional MBA courses are held at the Bayside Campus location.

We would like to invite you to visit the space on Monday, October 19th, 4:00pm-5:45pm. Bayside Campus is located at 150 Mount Vernon Street, the Open House will take place in the Lower Level- Suffolk Room (click here for an interactive map and directions).

We hope to see you there, light refreshments will be served.


Join CM Tuesday October 6th for the BBJ Power Breakfast: Winning the Talent Race

Dear College of Management students –

 Please join the College of Management and the Boston Business Journal on October 6th for a conversation about how education, employers, and government/policy can help close the skills gap in Massachusetts. Student tickets are complimentary. Please enter the code UMASSSTUDENT when you register.

Register here.

Tuesday, October 6
Campus Center, 3rd floor
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125

 We hope to see you there.

Thank you,
Andrea Reardon

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