A new report shows that whether care preferences for older adults are considered is heavily influenced by race, income, and other variables. “When thinking about your experiences with the healthcare system over the past year, how often were your preferences… Continue Reading →
New webinar explores the impact of the pandemic on older adults View the full slide set here, and a video recording from the 2.5 hour webinar is available here. Edward Alan Miller, Gerontology Department Professor and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal… Continue Reading →
A new report from UMass Boston identifies aging equity among Boston residents The number of Boston residents aged 60 and older has increased by more than one-third in the last eight years and more than half of older residents are… Continue Reading →
This article is one in a series of stories about how people across the country are using the Elder Index to understand the true cost of living for older adults and its economic implications. If you know someone who would… Continue Reading →
Bei Wu works toward improving health status through research and policy If the world of academic gerontology had a rock star, it would be Bei Wu, MS ‘97, PhD ’00. Recognized for her extensive research and pursued by top tier… Continue Reading →
Family caregivers have an important job; supporting their needs will make their work and lives easier Imagine caring for a child with medically-complex special needs while balancing responsibilities for other family members and trying to maintain a full-time job. Or,… Continue Reading →
Journal of Aging and Social Policy special edition examines scope, impact and lessons drawn from Covid-19 for older adults A special double-issue of the Journal of Aging and Social Policy (JASP) that focused on Covid-19 has been released as a book…. Continue Reading →
By Taryn Hojlo How do older adults think about the COVID-19 threat and go about their lives now, many months after the virus first changed their approach to activities of every kind? Of course there is no single answer to… Continue Reading →
Lisa Gurgone is the executive director of Mass Home Care, the trade association representing the Commonwealth’s network of 28 Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs) and Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). This single, statewide network of coordinated care delivers home and… Continue Reading →
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adults around the world has been nothing short of breathtaking. Like any sudden crisis, it begs a few common questions: What actually happened and how did we respond? What lessons should we… Continue Reading →
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