Gerontology Institute Blog

UMass Boston

Research Points to the Need for More Caregiver-Friendly Workplaces

How can workplaces support employees with caregiver-friendly policies? And which policies would be most helpful to caregivers? Pamela Nadash, Ph.D. has researched matters of family caregiving and shares ideas that could help employers and employees alike.

UMass Boston Gerontology Makes a Strong Showing at GSA 2024

“UMass Boston Gerontology made an indelible mark at this year’s annual meeting, one of the largest ever,” said Dr. Edward A. Miller

How—and Why—to Engage Older Adults as Research Partners

Older adults can be powerful research partners in gerontology research, according to a new documentary by Collective Insight.
“By bringing people who have that [lived] experience to the table to talk with researchers, it broadens people’s understanding of what expertise really is,” says Erin McGaffigan, founder of Collective Insight.

New Study: Medicaid Reimbursements Fail to Meet Actual Costs of Caring for Medicaid Nursing Home Residents

For each dollar a nursing home spends providing daily care to a Medicaid recipient, the average nursing home receives just 82 cents in reimbursement. This was the top-level finding of a study published this week, led by multiple researchers, including… Continue Reading →

Investing in the field: Three UMass Boston undergraduates serve as summer research fellows at BC’s Center for Retirement Research

When Delaney Inman tells you she had a great summer, it’s not because she traveled to exotic locations or lazed on the beach for days. Instead, she took an online economics class, learned how to use the statistics software Stata,… Continue Reading →

From poverty to adequacy: For two decades, UMass Boston’s Elder Index has been changing the conversation around older adults’ financial security

One in a series of stories about the history of the UMass Boston Gerontology Institute and its centers and programs as we celebrate the Institute’s 40th anniversary in 2024. Since its inception in 2006 , the Elder Index™ has served… Continue Reading →

LTSS Center to lead three-year research project on “overlooked middle” for California Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging awarded a three-year, $4.3 million contract to the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston—through the center’s partner, Community Catalyst—to study policy opportunities to address the affordability of long-term services and supports. The project, the largest single… Continue Reading →

Jang witnesses policy in action as GSA summer intern

Jeein Jang returns to UMass Boston this fall with renewed motivation for her third year of the gerontology doctoral program after working as a summer public policy intern for the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) in Washington, D.C. “I had… Continue Reading →

Glickman Fund supports non-traditional students dedicated to improving older adults’ quality of life

“My life has changed in a direction I never would have seen it gohad I not been an MAS student. I hope to make you all proudas I move forward in my career in aging.”Sophia Casale, MAS ’23, lifestylist, Chelsea… Continue Reading →

Annual report showcases Pension Action Center’s growing impact

In fiscal year 2023, staff members and volunteers at the Gerontology Institute’s Pension Action Center opened 330 cases and recovered $1.1 million in pension benefits, at no cost to clients. These facts and more are featured in the center’s latest… Continue Reading →

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