The Collaborative Institute

Building Connections

Campus Events on Women, Water, and the Exploration of Conflict


Part of the mission of the Collaborative Institute is to "strengthen the understanding between the connections of ocean, climate and security issues through convening, facilitating, educating and communicating." To promote this understanding and on behalf of several campus organizations, we’d like to draw your attention to several upcoming events hosted on the UMass Boston campus concerning these very topics. 

October 2
UMass Boston is hosting a film and water symposium "Let’s Talk About Water" on Saturday, October 2, 2010, in the Campus Center Ballroom, starting at 10 am. The film "Flow" by Irena Salina will be shown, followed by a discussion with a panel of experts, including Jan Schlictmann of "A Civil Action." Students, faculty, and staff all welcome and will provide a great opportunity for students to learn about careers in water. Admission is free; lunch will be provided.

October 4
The Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights and the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security and Global Governance present "Gendering War and International Security," a lecture with J. Ann Tickner, Professor of International Relations, University of Southern California Los Angeles. This conference will be held Monday October 4, from 4:00-6:00 pm, in the Campus Center, Room 3540. Refreshments will be served. RSVP by Friday, October 1 at 

October 22-23
Registration is now open for "Conflict Studies: The New Generation of Ideas," which will take place Friday, October 22, and Saturday, October 23 in UMass Boston Campus Center. This is the eighth biennial conference for graduate students studying conflict hosted by the UMass Boston Graduate Programs in Dispute Resolution. This conference brings together graduate students from a variety of fields to present their work and share ideas. Twenty-one countries are represented in the paper presentation submissions for this year’s conference. 



Author: The Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security (CIOCS)

The Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security is distinguished by its focus on the intersections of oceans, climate and security, and emerging associated policy and management implications. Founded at UMass Boston in January 2010, the Collaborative Institute exists to develop and communicate high-value intellectual, policy, and technical expertise to help stabilize the health of our atmosphere, coastal communities and marine ecosystems, and human/national security for all. It seeks on a global scale to create new strategic opportunities to bring innovation to science, policy and communications. Visionary, as well as opportunistic and flexible, the Collaborative Institute uses multi-sector engagement as a cornerstone of its work and uses public/private revenue to sustain its mission.

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