Share a Story

The 1919 Boston Police Strike Project is collecting photographs of strikers and personal stories to include in our biographical database. Use this form to submit a photograph of a striker from your personal collection and/or share a story about a striker or memory of the strike.

Sharing a photograph

If you would like to share a photograph of a striker with the 1919 Boston Police Strike Project, you will need to upload the image as a high-resolution JPG file. Please upload no more than two photos. While we prefer photos taken around the time of the strike, we may also include photos from a later (or earlier) date.

Sharing a story

While we encourage you to share stories and photographs, some people just have stories to share. Use this form to tell us a story about the officer and his involvement in the strike or the impact of the strike on your family or community.

This form is for contributions from private or family collections. If you are a volunteer looking to submit a photograph found in a publication or repository, please use the form under the Volunteer Resources tab.

Questions? Contact

Share a Photograph or Story with the 1919 Boston Police Strike Project!
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Which officer is the central figure of your story or subject of your photograph?
You can find the Officer's ID Number within the 1919 Boston Police Strike Project at the top of his worksheet or by searching the database on the page The Officers Involved in the 1919 Boston Police Strike.
Was he a friend? Uncle? Neighbor? Great-grandparent?

Maximum file size: 52.22MB

For the purposes of this documentation project, please upload high-resolution JPG files (please do not edit, correct, crop, or enhance images prior to upload).

Maximum file size: 52.22MB

Have questions about this form?
Contact us at

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